----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 4:33
Subject: [arrl-odv:12010] Re: Cash
Hi all,
I just want to let you all know that for the
first time in a number of years the Leagues regular cash flow was able to make
the pension payment recently due, which was in the range of $450,000.
There were a variety of factors that contributed
to this feat---significant increase in Handbook sales late last year, cash
from Contributions,etc.
Also, the regular cash flow was able to cover a
small overdraft that I incurred in the investment cash account to the tune of
$10,000. They made me (the investment cash account) a loan ,
but they have forgiven it (and me) so I don't have to pay it
As far as I know HQ's has not had to remove
any cash from the investment accounts this year.
Hope all of you are well and look forward to
seeing you guys (and ladies) in Dayton.
73, Jim W1LLU