To help focus in on the meaning of the League's centennial, the Centennial Celebration Committee invites Board members' suggestions for a theme phrase (slogan, catch phrase, motto, etc.) for the 2014 celebration. For the ARRL's 75th anniversary, the slogan was "From Spark to Space." The phrase for the 2012 National Convention will be "Amateur Radio in the Silicon Valley." Lockheed-Martin, which is marking their 100th year now, is using the slogan "100 Years of Accelerating Tomorrow." The phrase should be fairly short, like the examples just cited. Ideally, the phrase for our centennial will capture the idea of honoring the past, the accomplishments of the first 100 years of the ARRL, along with the idea of being oriented towards the future. At our best, throughout the century, the ARRL has been future-oriented. Suggested slogans should avoid reference to "second century," in order to avoid confusing the centennial celebration with the Second Century Campaign. They are different, though related, undertakings. At this time we are inviting suggestions from the Board, the HQ Staff, and the Public Relations Committee. We plan to pare the list down to about five or six and then put the top contenders out to the ARRL membership for their vote. The committee will reserve the right to tweak suggestions slightly to make a good one into a great one. I have asked Dave to relay this invitation to the HQ Staff. Allen Pitts is relaying it to the PR Committee. Please send your suggestions to me by Friday, May 25.