I fully support beginning work on the new
band plan. I would not expect this to
come to completion too rapidly, but we can get a good start on the process if
nothing else this month.
Weaver, K8JE, Director
Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040
E-mail: k8je@arrl.org; Tel: 513-459-0142
Great Lakes Division
the Reason Amateur Radio is!
the Reason ARRL is!
-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Harrison
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006
1:47 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:13477] Board
Meeting Agenda Item
The Officers; President Haynie, Vice President Craigie, Vice President
Stafford, Executive Vice President Sumner, and I have discussed the upcoming
board meeting draft agenda. We propose to insert between #8 and #9
"Discussion of HF Bandplanning"
We submitted our petition for regulation by bandwidth instead of mode on the
assumption that we would have good band planning mechanisms in place by the
time the FCC took any action, but haven't yet begun the process. We believe it
is imperative that, before simply appointing a committee to address the matter,
the board should have adequate time to discuss and review options in this area.
It's going to be a difficult and controversial subject, and providing adequate
time for the board to address all of our own questions and concerns is
This is a unanimous proposal to the draft agenda from
the Officers.
While some have mentioned a desire to discuss the
Strategic Plan that was developed a little over two years ago, and the board
can certainly do so at this meeting if it chooses, we believe the 2006
Executive Committee that has the task of "Monitoring progress of the
implementation of, and suggesting ongoing revisions to, the ARRL Strategic
Plan, working in conjunction with Standing Committees as appropriate"
should be given an opportunity to take a hard look at the Strategic Plan at its
spring meeting and bring further recommendations to the board at the 2006
Second Meeting in July.
73 Joel W5ZN
First Vice President