---------- Original Message ----------
From: W7SLS <w7sls.scott@gmail.com>
To: Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net>
Date: 09/14/2020 10:18 AM
Subject: Fwd: Your AmazonSmile charity received a $2,505.16 donation
This might be a duplicate / already known / etc for some / many.
Hams (and others) who choose to shop at amazon can specify a charity (in this case ARRL) when they shop at amazon smile (same products / prices).
ARRL has received about $40k since inception, or about $10k / year.
Yes, there are many deserving causes.
PS: thanks for what you do as a leader. for example, your take on process and how you resolved it to your satisfaction about new CEO was stellar!
Begin forwarded message:
Your AmazonSmile charity received a $2,505.16 donation
September 14, 2020 at 9:05:59 AM PDT
Dear Scott L. Scheirman,
This is your quarterly AmazonSmile donation notification to inform you that American Radio Relay League received a new donation of $2,505.16.
Thanks to customers shopping at AmazonSmile, everyday purchases generated over $200 million in donations to charities worldwide so far.
See AmazonSmile's impact to date:
- $43,118.86 to American Radio Relay League
- $198,636,544.70 to all charities in the US
- $215,721,458.97 to all charities worldwide
Track your AmazonSmile impact at any time.
Thanks for supporting American Radio Relay League and continuing to generate donations by shopping at smile.amazon.com or with AmazonSmile ON in the app.
Want to use AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app on your phone? See how to activate here.
*Message reflects the charity you were supporting as of August 27.