FYI. Just went out to members in case you get questions. There is a typo in the transmittal email. Should say October. 

Rick - K5UR

-----Original Message-----
From: ARRL Web site <>
Sent: Wed, Nov 30, 2022 3:04 pm
Subject: Executive Committee Meeting October 2022 Agenda and Minutes

Dear ARRL Member:
You are subscribed to receive agendas and minutes of ARRL Board and Executive Committee Meetings. Here is the link for the Executive Committee Meeting September 2022 Agenda and Minutes.
To modify your email subscription preferences, please visit or email .
Thank you for being an active and engaged member.
Sabrina Martin
Executive Assistant
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street
Newington, CT  06111
Ext. 242