I gather this guy is not happy about winning..........
Subj: Re: [arrl_prez] Club News
> Date: 7/23/2004 10:43:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
> From: leewalt@powerbank.net
> Reply-to: arrl_prez@yahoogroups.com
> To: arrl_prez@yahoogroups.com
> Sent from the Internet (Details)
> If the silver antenna award is to go to someone ³who demonstrates
> outstanding public relations success², I say something stinks here ! I got
> Paul Harvey to talk about ham radio on his news program for one minute and
> four seconds, the arrl could NEVER buy that kind of time and when I called
> his office they told me he talks to 42 MILLOIN people every day. WHO had
> MORE outstanding success than that ?
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