It’s interesting to see so much discussion on the North Florida Section
Manager election process. I thought it would be useful if you
were to hear from the E&E Committee on our deliberations on this
issue – since no one has asked us for background…
The Ethics and Elections Committee was asked if it was OK if K4AC’s
Director e-mail privileges could be used for a reminder to the Northern
Florida section about the current voting process for Section
In January, the Board and President asked the Committee to look at ways
to improve member turnout in elections by reviewing our present
Director/Vice Director electronic voting process. That review is
still underway.
No request was made to review Section Manager election turnout.
Note that Section Manager elections are still conducted by mail with
paper ballots. Nothing has changed in the process for conducting
them in years (and years). There has not been any data gathered
showing a decline in turnout for SM elections. That may be a useful
thing to research.
According to K1ZZ, the policy in the past has been not to allow SMs or
Directors to remind members about ongoing balloting at all.
Messages from SMs to their members are screened by WV1X, messages from
Directors are screened by K1ZZ.
In 2012 when it looked liked the turnout in a Director/Vice Director
election was a bit low, the E&E Committee decision was that a
reminder should not be sent out. During last year’s Director
balloting the E&E Committee did allow a plan to remind voters about
Division elections via the ARRL web.
We decided that it would not be good for Directors to be able to send out
reminders about elections, as requested by Director Rehman.
This could become a problem during a Director’s election year, for
What happens during the SM or Division election period? We need to
review our present policy and take the time to update it if the policy is
to be changed.
After discussion, we considered whether such a reminder should come
from HQ in a general email to members in the Section or
Division. We thought it was a good idea to consider.
We discussed the impact of voter turnout efforts. Generally, we
agreed it is desirable to have higher member participation in our
elections. The editorial in May QST was generated as a result of
the lousy turnout in last year’s Division elections, our discussions at
the January Board meeting, and the need to highlight to members how the
organization works (this was not directed by the E&E).
On the other hand, voter turnout efforts are quite contentious on the
national level with strong efforts currently underway to both reduce and
increase it depending on your political views. The same issue
exists with our elections. A change in turnout will impact
the results. The general research on voter turnout is that a higher
turnout usually favors change or candidates that are more disruptive to
the status quo. A low turnout favors incumbents.
We decided it was not a good idea to make any change now for several
- There are four SM elections currently underway, some
contentious. E&E has already dealt with an election complaint
related to the Indiana SM race. If there is a desire to
improve turnout, it has to be done for all Sections, not just one.
- The E&E Committee should not make a general change in policy in
this area, it should be a Board decision (or at least the Board should be
informed before change is made).
- We have to recognize that a change in turnout will impact the
results of the election.
We anticipate making a recommendation that HQ send out an e-mail
reminder(s) for SM (and Division?) elections in our report to the Board
in July.
Director Rehman has stated he has not disclosed how he will vote (he is a
member from the NFL section) but he clearly has an interest in the
results or he wouldn't be so insistent in trying to increase the turnout
at this point. (my opinion)
If a change is needed, it should be done with care and thought.
Making a precipitous change can easily make for a bad outcome. We
may miss something important.
-- Tom (Chairman, E&E)
e-mail: ARRL New England Division
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: