<<122111.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 34, No. 51 December 21, 2011 -- Covers the period December 11-17. Upcoming Meetings and Events Director/Vice Director Orientation January 11 in Newington, CT Administration & Finance Committee January 12 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT Programs & Services Committee January 12 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT Annual Board Meeting January 13-14, 2012 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT CEO Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Just a quick note reminding all of you that the ARRL will be closed Monday , December 26 and also Monday, January 2. Happy Holidays to all of you and a Healthy and Happy New Year! Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP The DIY campaign kicks off Dec 27th with articles, power point, speaker notes and the video on our website and YouTube. W5KUB will do a streaming video at 8:30 that evening of interviews with Pasternak and Bell, a short commentary by myself and the main video. The following Tuesday it will be the topic of the HamNation webcast. Many people who have gotten pre-release copies of the video also plan to use it in presentations between Christmas and New Years. Two people have become involved in PR this past week. Dr. Kim Manwaring will not be able to come to HQ this week, but still hopes to in January. We will do a phone interview on Thursday for the WeDoThat.org website plus any news uses. Mark Kraham, recent Chairman of the RTDNA, formally joined the PRC last week. Possibly their oldest "member," the A-1 Operators Club got Louise Evans, KE7LSF, as a member last week. While licensed long ago, she had let it lapse. So she re-earned her Tech license in her 90's and recently got her General at age 102. She encourages others in the retirement community and regularly controls local nets. She came to our attention following an article in their local newspaper. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH Development revenues are inching closer to the 2011 goal, while the Diamond Club has exceeded its goal. The Diamond club has topped its target by $15,000 and the Education & Technology campaign is only $200 under goal. The Spectrum Defense Fund needs $15,000 to reach its target. Overall, Development revenues for operations are at 88% of goal for 2011. Lauren Clark worked with Sue Fagan on a new ad for planned giving for February QST. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE Two books have been released to the printer: Getting on the Air with HF Digital, by Steve Ford, and the 2nd Edition of Emergency Power for Radio Communications. The February 2012 edition of QST was released to the printer December 16. Joel Hallas has turned in the final chapter of his fifth book, tentatively titled The Care and Feeding of Transmission Lines. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for December 15, 2011. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R Unlike November, we have enjoyed brisk levels of membership and sales activity every week this month. Response to all of our holiday and end-of-year messaging and promotions has been very good. We are well-positioned for the final 2 weeks of the year. It was a particularly busy week fulfilling orders to meet the holiday shipping deadlines for in-time Christmas deliveries. The warehouse crew fulfilled 1,524 packages for publication and product orders, 230 membership premiums (with help from the Mailroom staff), and QST mailing supplements. US Bank, our partner for the ARRL Visa Credit Card, is preparing mailings for January and March. We have approved the mailing pieces and supplied an updated membership list. ARRL has earned year-to-date payments of nearly $35,000 for program royalties through November ($33k for the same period in 2010). Bob Inderbitzen, Allen Pitts and Sue Fagan met to collaborate on designs for an ARRL centennial logo. An ad was completed featuring the upcoming second edition of Emergency Power for Radio Amateurs and some related, new product offerings; self-powered emergency radios and a couple of LED flashlights. The ad will appear in February QST. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N DXCC DXCC paper/fieldchecked application processing time is currently at 4 weeks. Logbook-only application processing time is 3 business days. W1AW Thanks to Joel Hallas, W1ZR, for his work in antenna modeling the two new 40-meter antennas - Cushcraft XM240s - that will eventually be installed on the Rohn 65 (120' tower). These new antennas will replace the two 40-meter antennas - M-Squared 40LL2s - that were damaged in October's snowstorm. Joe processed regular QSL card requests. He worked the early afternoon/night shift on Friday for the vacationing Scott Gee. Joe also created the January W1AW Qualifying Run texts. He updated the web code practice files and Qualifying Run web schedules. Joe also has been in contact with Bart Hasz from SteppIR Antennas Inc. to coordinate the W1HQ vertical antenna replacement (with a new, donated SteppIR vertical). Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams has continued preparing election-related materials for the upcoming Section Manager elections in Virginia, San Diego, and Eastern Pennsylvania. She is also receiving and handling many section expense reports as the end of the year approaches. Steve Ewald has been in touch with and is assisting the three new Section Managers in Tennessee, New Mexico and Michigan who are starting their first terms of office on January 1. Chuck Skolaut compiled and sent out the monthly Official Observer Summary to all OOs, OOCs, and Section Managers. A west coast station reported hearing a shortwave broadcaster on 7.175 MHz. That station is believed to be VOBME from Ethiopia. An Over the Horizon Radar was reported on 40 meters as well as several unidentified carriers on 20 meters. An investigation continues regarding interference reported on 14.099 MHz from a US shortwave broadcaster. Station K1UN reports his call is being bootlegged. He has received a number of DX cards and he hasn't been on the air for several years. Chuck also participated in an online meeting regarding 60 meters and ran one morning code practice from W1AW this past week. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 12/26 Holiday All Staff 1/2 Holiday Steve Ford 12/22-12/30 Vacation Scott Gee 12/22-12/23 Vacation Dan Henderson 12/16-1/6 Vacation Gail Iannone 12/22-12/30 Vacation Joel Kleinman 1/3 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 12/23 Vacation `` 12/30 Vacation Steve Sant Andrea 12/27-12/30 Vacation