Andy. Certainly Kevin Bogan should receive it. For the other SMs I think a
pointer to the URL is sufficient. Most of them won't have to deal with it and it
seems like cruel and unusual punishment to inflict the whole 11 pages
on them all.
Perhaps we should send this out to all the Section
Managers. They may get some flak from a few individuals as well, and I
think it's always better if they are prepared to respond to things like
-- Andy Oppel, N6AJO
At 07:19 AM 2/23/2005, you
The White Paper is now available at
You can refer interested parties there, or forward the paper to
McClenny called me this morning. He was a bit sheepish about having sent the
KH8SI news release to his Daily DX subscribers, but said he had agonized
about it over the weekend and decided that most people would see what Kan
was up to. I told him I understood he hadn't done it to embarrass me or the
ARRL but that we couldn't leave the false claims unrefuted. He said he would
run a brief item that we had rebutted the claims along with a link to a copy
of the White Paper on his own Web site. I told him I thought that would be
I also sent
the White Paper to Carl Smith but haven't heard from Carl
In addition
to ODV and the DXAC, at this point copies have gone to anyone who contacted
me directly about the matter. (By the way, so far that's only four people,
only one of whom was somewhat hostile. One of the others thought we should
disqualify Kan from DXCC simply on the strength of his news release, without
even seeing the White Paper.)
My guess is that this is of mild interest to some DXers
and of no interest at all to anyone else. Therefore, I'm not inclined to
make a Web or ARRL Letter story out of it; that would just give the
perpetrators more publicity. But I don't think the White Paper should be
withheld from anyone who's interested.
Dave K1ZZ
- -----Original Message-----
- From: Weaver, Jim K8JE (DIR, GL)
- Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:12 PM
- To: arrl-odv
- Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11859] Re: White Paper on American
- Dave,
- Excellent work!
- To carry the release a bit
further, I assume it is fair game to quote or to forward to others who are
interested in this issue. I've had two inquiries (actually, one
inquiry and one blast!) on this issue so far. I expect
- Jim
- Jim Weaver, K8JE
- Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL;
- 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH
- Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail:
- ARRL: The reason Amateur
Radio Is!
- MEMBERS: The reason ARRL
- -----Original Message-----
- From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ []
- Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 5:48 PM
- To: arrl-odv
- Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11858] White Paper on American
- Apologies to officers and directors, who were
sent the attachment a few minutes ago and for whom this is a duplication.
The discussion of the matter began on OD over the weekend, but it is
appropriate to share the attachment with Vice Directors.
- Last Friday a news release was sent out by
organizers of a DXpedition to Swain's Island, American Samoa, KH8SI. The
release included false statements that require a rebuttal. The attached
White Paper is that rebuttal.
- 73,
- Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
- <<American Samoa.doc>>