1 Mar
1 Mar
10:22 p.m.
1 MAR, 2005 - 1610 CST Hello Jim Weaver... We have to be diplomatic up to a point with issues like Swain's Island. And up to this point, Dave Sumner has taken a lot of inflammatory BS on this issue. However, ARRL established and runs the DXCC program that is supported by ARRL members' dues. The fees that are collected do not pay all of the DXCC operating expense. We set the definitions and rules. Not IARU, ITU, or the UN. I will not tolerate any individual or group trying to hijack or corrupt our DXCC program. If one of your constituents does not, or will not, understand this reality, try to close off the discussion in a friendly manner. But if this is not possible... TS! 73 - Dick, W9GIG