Hi All,
I will continue with the same subject everyone is using in the "Subject" line.
After arriving in the airport to depart for home, I developed a serious upset stomach.  It was bad enough for me to consider going back to the hotel and waiting another day. Brian Mileshosky suggested trying some Pepto-Bismol.  That quieted things down and I was able to get on the flight. 
After arriving in Memphis, this taxi driver shook me very, very much on my way home and it all started over again after I arrived home.  This occurred about 10:20 p.m. CST.
On Tuesday evening, Irma carried me to the doctor as I could not have driven with that high temperature.  They held me until my temperature started to go in the normal direction.   Wednesday, I was extremely sore from coughing and I didn't come to the computer.  Today, I am feeling fine!
I would like to show my appreciation to Dr. Woolweaver, Vice Director Mileshosky, Director Roderick and 1st Vice President Harrison for help, support and encouragement.  Thanks!!
Henry - WD4Q