Put "NFCO" into the search engine in the ARRL web-site. The first link that comes up is a "MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE NATIONAL FREQUENCY COORDINATORS' COUNCIL, INCORPORATED AND THE AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, INCORPORATED." Inside the MoU is the paragraph: 3. The National Frequency Coordinators' Office (NFCO) is the ARRL administrative office functioning on behalf of the NFCC as the single point of administrative contact and the national information exchange for ARS frequency coordination information. Some Section Managers have noticed this paragraph, and have asked me to aid them in getting in contact with the NFCO. I've basically told them that as far as I knew, the ARRL was not in the frequency coordinating business. However, they point me to this information on the web-site. I told an inquiring SM I would inquire further. Do we have such a person? If so, who is he/she? If not, should the MoU be removed from the ARRL web-site? There are frequency coordination issues brewing in a number of places. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA