Greetings. I must apologize profusely for my failure until now to send to the full Board the attached memos that I had sent to the Executive Committee just prior to the meeting last weekend in St. Louis. President Craigie had to remind me twice to do this, and both times it slipped my mind, for no good reason. It was an obligation I was well-aware that I had, and the failure to send these to you before now is entirely my own. Sorry for it.
Please let me know any questions that you have about either of these memos.
73, Chris W3KD

Christopher D. Imlay
Booth, Freret, Imlay & Tepper. P.C.
14356 Cape May Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6011
(301) 384-5525 telephone
(301) 384-6384 facsimile

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Imlay <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 18, 2010 5:20 pm
Subject: Report of the General Counsel to the Executive Committee

Greetings. Attached in anticipation of this Saturday's meeting in St. Louis, and keyed to the agenda just circulated by EVP Sumner, please find my memo on agenda items 4,5 and part of 8. Also attached is a memo addressing Agenda Item 8.1.
I will be prepared to address any other regulatory topic of interest to the EC at the meeting. I will be in St. Louis late in the afternoon on Friday if anyone has questions in advance of the meeting, or else I will reply by e-mail.
73, Chris W3KD

Christopher D. Imlay
Booth, Freret, Imlay & Tepper. P.C.
14356 Cape May Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6011
(301) 384-5525 telephone
(301) 384-6384 facsimile