My job as the moderator is to keep the meeting orderly and give everyone a chance to be heard. I appreciate everyone's cooperation toward maximizing communication during this session.
Welcome and Opening Remarks--Rick and/or Tom
Ground Rules--Greg
- This is an informational session, no votes will be taken.
- Because
each attendee may wish to speak, and because we may have so many
attendees, each will be given 3 minutes to speak. All attendees who
wish may speak in the first round, and no one will be given a second
chance to speak until all those wishing to speak in the first round have
done so.
- No one is required to speak.
- An individual must stay within the 3-minute limit. The moderator will mute any speaker after the 3-minute point is past.
- Individuals may not transfer their 3-minute quota to another individual to increase his/her time to speak.
- The moderator may mute or disconnect a participant who disrupts the meeting.
- At most two rounds of comments will be accepted, after which the meeting will end.
Begin Round 1--Moderator takes names of those holding up hands, like a 20-m DX "list" operation.
Begin Round 2--etc.
Meeting ends on completion of 2nd round.
New Meeting
Mon, May 1, 2017 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM EDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
Access Code: 260-532-005
---to be used only if GoToMeeting is not working or disconnects in mid-meeting
Information for participants:
800-532-0363 or 860-594-0400
Audio Access Numbers:
Audio Bridge - 106
Participate Code – 2423