Below is the Agenda for tomorrow's GoToMeeting.  Because there may be many individuals who wish to speak, the meeting will be conducted according to the ground rules shown below.  Please read these ahead of time.

This meeting is intended in the spirit of a "Town Hall Meeting."  As such, everyone will be given an opportunity to be heard, but we will have to follow the ground rules to give everyone a fair chance to speak.

At the end of this e-mail, I have again pasted in the details on how to connect to the meeting.  For GoToMeeting, if you cannot use your Internet-connected computer to join, you may still use the 571 phone number to join as a telephone participant. 
We have a backup phone conference bridge connection, but this will only be used if GoToMeeting does not work for some reason.  If GoToMeeting is in use, nothing will be heard on the Conference Bridge.

My job as the moderator is to keep the meeting orderly and give everyone a chance to be heard.  I appreciate everyone's cooperation toward maximizing communication during this session.
       Greg, K0GW

Welcome and Opening Remarks--Rick and/or Tom

Ground Rules--Greg
  1. This is an informational session, no votes will be taken.
  2. Because each attendee may wish to speak, and because we may have so many attendees, each will be given 3 minutes to speak.  All attendees who wish may speak in the first round, and no one will be given a second chance to speak until all those wishing to speak in the first round have done so.
  3. No one is required to speak.
  4. An individual must stay within the 3-minute limit.  The moderator will mute any speaker after the 3-minute point is past.
  5. Individuals may not transfer their 3-minute quota to another individual to increase his/her time to speak.
  6. The moderator may mute or disconnect a participant who disrupts the meeting.
  7. At most two rounds of comments will be accepted, after which the meeting will end.

Begin Round 1--Moderator takes names of those holding up hands, like a 20-m DX "list" operation.

Begin Round 2--etc.

Meeting ends on completion of 2nd round.

New Meeting
Mon, May 1, 2017 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM EDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3112
Access Code: 260-532-005
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:
---to be used only if GoToMeeting is not working or disconnects in mid-meeting

Information for participants:

800-532-0363 or 860-594-0400
Audio Access Numbers:
      Audio Bridge - 106
      Participate Code – 2423
