Hello ODV,

This was written and just forwarded to me by a ham in my Division.  I have not reviewed this yet, so don’t shoot the messenger. He has done some creditable work in the past.

Greg, W4OZK

Thanks to all the work that jeff, leland and I did, our text of how anyone can spy on WINLINK, and how WE DID IT OURSELVES is now published on AMAZON.
You can read it for free from our website -- its copyright only prohibits commercial usage -- https://www.qsl.net/nf4rc/2019/SpyingOnWINLINKV1.1.pdf
You can purchase it on AMAZON in paperback (if you really have to have a printed copy):  https://www.amazon.com/dp/1080563199
You can purchase it on AMAZON in KINDLE for $1:
Spying on WINLINK 

It is just now all in the process of getting "for sale" on Amazon, so "searching for it" may not work yet, and the kindle and paperback versions are not yet linked.
But it tells the complete details of how a monitoring system of on-the-air WINLINK could be constructed by modifying already available source code.  It explains how the WINLINK system moves data error-free WITHOUT ENCRYPTION.  The text shows how we figured out how to PROVE it wasn't encrypted, and successfully SPIED on a winlink transmission -- without even writing one line of code....   That is not easy, but we are not professional programmers.   EVERY EMAIL that goes through the Central winlink system from USA is ALREADY available on a WEB VIEWER --- so we did this just to prove to the skeptics that YOU CAN SPY ON WINLINK.... and if you want to badly enough, you could build a system that spies on tons of it!!! 
All told, we have spied on FIVE winlink transmissions -- even ONE proves it isn't encrypted.    We would have done more, but our lazy-man's way of spying without writing a lick of code depends on some timing remaining linked for many seconds.
Interested parties may now provide copies of the PDF for non-commercial usage as they wish; may provide the text for non-commercial usage through their web servers or whatever suits them.    We wanted more FACTS in the discussion that is ongoing.
Gordon Gibby KX4Z