Hi Everyone -- Before any more time passes now that I'm back around a reliable internet connection following Jamboree, I wanted to give a heads up that Larry Wolfgang WR1B, ARRL's staff liasion to the National Scout Jamboree that recently concluded, was hospitalized in Virginia. He started out with flu-like symptoms which later turned into some sort of infection. I'm calling him tomorrow (Tues) to see what's the latest, but he did have to leave the Jamboree while it was in progress. Something, I'm sure, he hated doing given all the good things that were happening at K2BSA. Though I understand his spirits are high, keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and perhaps drop him a note via email to read upon his return to work. In the coming week or so I'll have details from the Jamboree and specifically K2BSA to share with everyone. 73, Brian N5ZGT ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division On the web at www.RockyMountainDivision.org