I had a real life experience like this. When we first moved in to our
home and put up antennas, the neighbors called town hall to complain
that we were involved in terrorism. Town hall never mentioned anything
but told them that the project was indeed permitted (and we had the
permit displayed prominently) and there was nothing they could do. It
was only after one of my neighbors confessed to it at a baptism class
at church which we were attending that we found out. I talked to the
zoning official and he confirmed.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Anyway, in 2003, there was a remake of this particular twilight zone
episode. I can't remember if they mentioned amateur radio.
The twist was that instead of aliens, it was terrorists. Instead of
aliens watching, it was the Government carrying out a social
experiment to see how people react to terrorism.
On Fri, 4 Jan 2019 at 12:11, RILEY HOLLINGSWORTH
rilepatholling@comcast.net> wrote:
> Well said Rick. I have been watching. I know every episode of Twilight Zone, almost by heart--- maybe that's what is wrong with me!
> On December 31, 2018 at 8:45 PM "Roderick, Rick, K5UR via arrl-odv" <
arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> wrote:
> For those who get the SYFY channel, they have a marathon run going of the Twilight Zone right now. The one called Monsters Are Due on Maple Street is just coming on (1960). This is the one where suspicion things happen in a power outage and they blame a neighbor because he's a ham radio operator. They think he talks to monsters from outer space from his basement where he stays up all night. Sound familiar?
> The little town I grew up in was located on the fringe of TV reception back in those days. Everyone there knew I was the kid that was a ham. They didn't accuse me of talking to monsters but they sure knew when I fired up on 6 meters with my home made KW on AM.
> Check it out.
> 73
> Rick - K5UR
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