Would anyone care to check Joe's math??? 73 ES DX David A. Norris, K5UZ Vice Director, Delta Div. Ladies and Gentlemen, I call your attention to this release by the "DXCC Desk" today and urge you to become immediately involved to stop this blatant disregard of the DXCC rules. Under the current rules, Bonaire can not qualify as a separate "geographic separation entity" because the separation between Saba and Bonaire is less than the required 800 km when calculated using WGS84 (more accurate than a simple spherical earth or "great circle method" calculation). Specifically when calculated using these endpoints For Saba ..... 17 36 56.63 N 63 15 06.12 W For Bonaire .. 12 13 15.90 N 68 11 49.53 W The WGS84 calculation shows 799.609 km (496.854 mi) The great circle method shows 801.088 km (497.773 mi) See http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/distance.html for both calculations. In any case, the disagreement between calculation methods is sufficient to exclude Bonaire from the DXCC list as it does not *unambiguously* meet the qualifications as a "geographic separation entity." Please, enforce a respect for the DXCC rules as most recently modified. "Overlooking" inconvenient facts will inevitably place the DXCC program on the path to another "Baldwin's Reef" as political considerations and personal preferences take precedence over the rules. Your failure to put a stop to this blatant disregard for the rules can represent a serious threat to the integrity of the program. 73, ... Joe, W4TV