Colleagues, Tonight's vote is of critical importance to our ARRL organization. We all have different and varying concerns on the decision we are about to make - and that, in my opinion, is good. It is the power of an elected board from across the nation and across the many aspects of Amateur Radio. We, the board, collectively bring a wide range of experience, knowledge, expertise, intuition, etc. to bear on the issues we face. And a healthy debate is how we bring this all to bear on board decisions. Change is one of the biggest issues and perhaps the most difficult for human beings to deal with. We are naturally fearful of making the wrong choice - or a wrong decision. We can easily imagine many things that could go wrong and the consequences of any decision one way or the other. And, yes, there will always be people who agree with your decision and those who do not. So we must weigh all of the possible negative as well as the positive consequences - and then decide. I, for one, prefer to focus on the positive consequences and devote most of my time and resources toward these goals while being prepared to mitigate negative issues when they arise. We the board, chose our leaders. A CEO selection committee and the selection process was approved. With those actions, we the board, collectively put our trust and faith into those individuals and the defined selection process to bring forth the best candidate for the CEO job. Thanks for reading & 73's Rod, K0DAS