7 JAN, 2003 - 1150 CST Robert S. Fickle, KC9AWS Logansport, IN Hello Robert... I replied to your first message last night, and then your second one arrived in my in-box today. Uour threat to not renew your ARRL membership if the ARRL board does not vote to ask the FCC to drop the remaining Morse code requirement is a non-issue. I have received about the same number of ARRL member "threat" emails from those that support keeping a Morse code licensing requirement. Thus I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't vote to remove the code requirement. Therefore, such threats will not be a factor in any vote I make on this issue. BTW, I do check the ARRL membership status of each person who sends me an email message or a hard copy letter (very few). I've even received a few such threats from hams who are not ARRL members. 73 - George R. Isely, W9GIG ARRL Central Div. Director