I received the following from a friend in the Pacific Division. He is well known in the digital world, and I rely upon him for advice. I believe that we are doing all that we can to assist in the areas struck by hurricanes, and that it will be a good thing for amateur radio and the
ARRL that the good works of the many amateur radio operators involved in providing aid in those areas be shared with as many other folks as possible.
"Recently hams have been in the news due to
Puerto Rico, and I've been posting stories with links to the
ARRL news page with higher-traffic sites like
hackaday.com, etc. When I got a recent story about
Falconsat-3 on Slashdot.org with a link to
ARRL.org, it appeared to overload the
ARRL web site for a few hours and response times were up to a minute long, if it worked at all. Of course I don't know where else traffic was coming from at the time.
I wonder if the new site software might not be able to handle having ARRL.org linked to by higher-traffic sites? If so, they need to consider more servers or bandwidth, or a caching proxy like Cloudflare to bring up their bandwidth without using local resources. When news stories give us an opportunity to present ham radio to outsiders, we need to be able to."
What he says makes sense to me, but I am unable to act directly to evaluate or implement the suggestions he offers. I send this to you, hoping to thereby initiate an action for moving forward on this issue. Thank you for your attention.
73, Bob W6RGG