On behalf of the Great Lakes Division, I
thank you and the Dakota Division for your willingness to share such a fine,
young ham with us in the rust belt. If you don’t mind, I will tip SM Joe
Phillips off to the fact that he will soon receive a gift he cannot refuse.
Jim Weaver, K8JE,
ARRL Great
Lakes Division
5065 Bethany Rd.
Mason, OH 45040
E-mail: k8je@arrl.org; Tel.: 513-459-0142
The Reason Amateur Radio Is!
Members -
The Reason ARRL Is!
From: John Bellows
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 1:35
To: arrl-odv
Subject: FW: [arrl-odv:17016] Fwd:
Cal, K0DXC ; ARRL MN Youth Assistant Section Manager
Because of the ODV activity regarding Cal,
KØDXC, (MN ASM for Youth) generated by a post to all or most Board Members by
KC9EXE I went the site in question and registered. Normally I try to avoid
“unknown” sites.
I checked each of Cal’s posts on the site and I can
report the following:
- Each
of Cal’s
posts was a straightforward post limited to generating interest among
Youth in Amateur Radio.
- There
are apparently some wacko’s who frequent the site in question.
Perhaps that isn’t surprising to us considering the site name is
of Misfit Hams”.
Maybe the site name should have been a tip to the range of participants,
but keep in mind Cal
is 13 and still has the trust and optimism that is in full bloom at that
age. I know Cal
and in several ways he happily reminds me of the young boy K5UR reminisces
about when he talks about his introduction to Amateur Radio ---“the
best hobby in the world.”
Once again we have been peppered with a
global email to the Board. The complaint was about an appointee in the Dakota
Division. As Joel has noted, these kinds of issues have traditionally been the
responsibility of the Division to resolve. The original complaint was from
KC9EXE, Ken Sundall, who does NOT live the Dakota Division, nor even in the 9
Land Central Division, but resides in sunny Kingman, AZ.
As it turns out it appears it wasn’t
anything that Cal did or posted, the complaint related to the fact this site
has a number of participants who live up to the site’ name . the “Island of Misfit Hams”. The nature of
KC9EXE’s complaint appears to be one of guilt by association. I suppose
that tars me with the same brush now that I have visited the site. It also
makes me wonder what drew KC9EXE to the site. For what it is worth KC9EXE has
not been an ARRL member since 1994. For a non-member he sure has created some
Barring some further information, the only
thing Cal,
KØDXC, appears to be guilty of is an abundance of enthusiasm for Amateur Radio
and a desire to pass that enthusiasm to others. As an aside, Cal’s interests are sport, including
baseball and RadioSport, DX’ing and CW (he can copy 30 wpm). My only
regret is that Cal told us that his
dad’s employer notified him this week, that he is being transferred to Ohio. Given the
substantial value of this “trade” we will expect significant
“future consideration” from the Great Lakes Division.