For what it is worth, there are some good programs to omit the pop-ups, pop-unders, etc.  My recommendation is AdSubtract PRO:


Everyone, have a great FD weekend.  Art, Sandi and I plan to visited some 30 sites.  73/Fried(º¿º)


-----Original Message-----
From: Rod Stafford W6ROD []
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 7:52 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7387] Re: Pop Up


Jim -- Are referring to the banner ad near the top, just above the blue bar that contains ARRL info?  Or is there some other ad?  73, Rod

At 05:13 PM 6/20/2002 -0400, wrote:

Just speaking for myself, I find the pop up ad on the web site very annoying.

Jim Haynie