Here is the story on the web site, if you have not seen it. We received very few inquires about this problem today as most people seem to be back up fine.
ARRL Internet Services Experience Network Problems (Aug 7, 2008) -- Since around 8:30 AM EDT on August 7, many users have been unable to access the ARRL Web site and e-mail. According to ARRL Web/Software Development Manager Jon Bloom, KE3Z, "an inadvertent network configuration error" at the site's Internet Service Provider (ISP) was to blame. An issue with the Domain Name Servers (DNS) caused many users to be routed to the wrong Web site. The problem was quickly discovered and resolved; however, due to a lag in propagation, some users could be affected for up to 24 hours. Thanks to all the members who called in to report the outage.
Link to this item
Jon Bloom also has offered the following advice to members with a similar situation:
That sounds like a local cache problem. Just clicking Refresh isn't guaranteed to fix that. Try the refresh again, but this time hold down the Shift key as you click Refresh.
If that doesn't work, you may need to explicitly clear your browser's cache.
I hope that this is helpful.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington , CT  06111
860 594 0220

From: K8JE [mailto:K8JE@arrl.org]
Sent: Fri 8/8/2008 5:13 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:17057] Web Site



I have one member who reports inability to log into the ARRL web site the past two days and another who was able to get into it this morning (not yesterday, though) and has subsequently been unable to make it.  I was able to log in throughout yesterday, but see nothing on the screen for the several attempts I’ve made today.


Can anyone shed light on what is happening, what is being done about it or what we as individuals need to do about it and/or when the problem will be resolved?  To put it into a single word, “whasup?”




Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director

ARRL Great Lakes Division

5065 Bethany Rd.

Mason, OH 45040

E-mail:  k8je@arrl.org; Tel.: 513-459-0142

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