One of the ideas I floated some time ago was a monthly status report to the board members, and I was told that “the board deals with policy matters, a regular status report isn’t necessary”


I gave a full status report on the EC call, and also gave a status report on the A&F call – and in both cases every or nearly every board member was in attendance.


I am currently working on my CEO Report for the January Board Meeting, but I have been asked about the status on a couple of things.


We can get into a cadence of status reporting, but yes, there will be times when between status reports you will not “know everything” – and not due to anything other than timing.


So, I will endeavor to figure out a way to create a monthly reporting mechanism.  To be fair, I am absolutely buried and with the way I am driving things at HQ, this is the new normal.  I do not anticipate time for personal endeavors, operating radios, or anything else frankly.  My evenings have become phone call times and weekends are for various forms of outreach.


I will prepare an outline of everything that is going on or outstanding at the minute, and know that in the beginning of January you’ll be getting an advance copy of my report to read ahead of the board meeting.


As a means of follow-up on one initiative, I committed to engaging with the YouTube community – to turn complaints into compliments and to partner on future video endeavors together.  There’s much traction there: we’ve brought on a YouTuber – who is also a teacher and actively teaches an elective course on ham radio to his students – as a consultant to work with Kris on the Learning Center and to build out a resource group on Youth; we are in discussions with a major YouTuber to become the face of a column in QST as well as featuring his content on licensing in the Learning Center; and I sent 32 YouTube video bloggers a holiday thank you card along with an ARRL mug (that we have tons of) and our new Field Day 2021 logo on a window slick to show on their programs. 


Here is a video posted last night of an interview with K6UDA.  He has been a vocal critic of ARRL and pretty nasty at times.  Take a look at his response to the outreach.  This is exactly where I am going with this engagement.  We want the entire social media community promoting the good works of the league and not getting fixated on the few shortcomings.


Again, if you have any suggestions please let me know!

