This weekend I attended the Great Lakes Division Convention
and Cleveland Hamfest in Cleveland,
Ohio with Director Jim Weaver,
K8JE, Vice Director Gary Johnston, KI4LA, Ohio SM Joe Phillips, K8QOE, Michigan
SM Dale Williams, WA8EFK and ARRL Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager
Dennis Dura, K2DCD. Kentucky SM Jim Brooks, KY4Z, was unable to attend due to a
previous commitment but did send greetings to the convention.
The Convention, sponsored by the Cuyahoga Amateur Radio
Society, Lake Erie Amateur Radio Association and the Northern Ohio DX
Association was held at the Sheraton Independence Hotel in Independence,
Ohio (a Cleveland
suburb). It began with a hospitality suite on Friday evening. Seminars and a
banquet were scheduled for Saturday. The hamfest is held on Sunday at the
Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds.
I traveled to Cleveland
through Atlanta
where I hooked up with DXAC Chairman Bob
Allphin, K4UEE, who was speaking at the convention and on the same flight.
Unfortunately, due to some unknown mechanical maintenance situation with our
inbound aircraft, our flight departed Atlanta
three and a half hours late. We were originally scheduled to arrive into Cleveland’s Hopkins International
Airport at 5:15 PM,
however due to the delay we didn’t arrive until 9:30 PM. We were met at
the airport by convention chairman Bob
Check, W8GC and his wife Betty who provided transportation to the Sheraton via
a stop at a local pizza shop for a late meal.
The convention is a separate event from, but held in
conjunction with, the hamfest and included seminars and a few manufacturer
displays, but no dealers or flea market. A hospitality suite was open Friday
evening and all day Saturday with food and drinks available. DXCC card checking
was available at scheduled times. The convention kicked off Saturday morning
with a general seminar by Bob Heil
and Chip Margelli of Heil Sound. At the conclusion, two seminar sessions began
simultaneously in two adjacent meeting rooms covering a wide variety of topics
including DX, Contesting, emergency preparedness, ARDF, and AMSAT among others.
The dual seminar schedule concluded at 4:00 PM when everyone reconvened into
the large meeting room for the closing general seminar by Tim Duffy, K3LR on
antennas, contesting and the K3LR multi-multi contest station. Following the
seminar sessions, Director Weaver presented the 2007 Great Lakes Division
awards after which a prize drawing was held. The banquet began at 7:30 with a
buffet style meal. I was the keynote speaker, taking the opportunity to present
my “Amateur Radio & New Technology” presentation. At 9 PM the
Wouff Hong ceremony began with a number of “high profile” radio
amateurs present that had never been initiated into the Royal Order! This
concluded the scheduled activities of the convention.
Notable radio amateurs attending the convention were:
Bernie McClenny, W3UR (Editor – How’s DX, The
Daily DX, The Weekly DX)
Bob Allphin, K4UEE (DXAC Chairman,
DXpeditioner and CQ DX Hall of Fame member)
Tim Duffy, K3LR (K3LR Contest Superstation & CQ Contest
Hall of Fame member)
Bob Heil, K9EID (Heil Sound & Rock
& Roll Hall of Fame member)
Chip Margelli, K7JA (Heil Sound)
Paul Sergi, NO8D (DX Engineering & ARRL Maxim Society
Ambassador Class Donor)
On Sunday morning Jim, Gary and I left the hotel at 8 AM for
the short 15 minute drive to the fairgrounds for the hamfest. The Cleveland hamfest is a
“normal” hamfest with a flea market and a few dealers and included
an ARRL forum at 10 AM. A good group of approximately 50 attended the ARRL
forum. I discussed the upcoming WRC and the latest BPL news. Dennis did an
excellent job discussing emcomm issues and answered quite a number of questions
and responded to comments from ARES & Field Organization volunteers about
ARRL’s emcomm program and courses. Jim discussed the division legislative
action program and SM Phillips reviewed a few section items.
I departed the hamfest at noon on Sunday for my flight back
home that arrived this time, on time at 7:30 PM in Little Rock.
This was an outstanding convention. I really liked the
format that concentrated on seminars rather than a flea market. It provided an
opportunity for the attendees to expand their knowledge of a particular area of
amateur radio and we all walked away really pumped up about amateur radio and getting
on the air. It was a great atmosphere.
There wasn’t one negative comment about ARRL voiced to
me over the entire weekend. All of the comments were positive and supportive of
what we are doing.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Director Weaver and
Vice Director Johnston for the invitation and hospitality over the weekend. It
was a great convention.
73 Joel W5ZN
p.s. Some of you know I like hot dogs and always make sure I
have at least one at any event (ham or non-ham) I’m at where hot dogs are
sold. I also like to personally rate the hot dogs at these events and I think
I’ll start including that in my trip reports. The Cleveland Hamfest hot
dogs rate an 8 out of a possible 10.