As most of you know, it's important for the credibility of our development program to have 100% Board participation in giving to the ARRL every year. Although every Director, Vice Director, and volunteer Officer gives very generously of personal time and effort, a financial donation from us is also important. Major donors and potential major donors have asked in the past if the Board does what we ask members to do. When I encourage people to donate, I like to be in the position of assuring them that I am a donor, too. I don't know how much anyone on the Board donates. That's absolutely a private matter. I also don't know who has or has not donated in 2011. All I know is that 11 volunteer Board members have not donated yet in this calendar year. If you have made a financial donation to the League in 2011, thank you sincerely. Leading by example is a big part of what we do on this Board. If you have not donated yet, or if you aren't sure, please contact Mary now with your questions and donations. The ARRL has a variety of special-purpose funds that you can choose from, in additional to the general endowment, and Mary can review the options with you. No one should feel pressured to donate more than your personal circumstances permit in this tough economic environment. I don't think of any donation as "small" or even "modest," because I know that every dollar comes as much from the heart as from the wallet. Please take care of this as soon as possible, before the holiday season kicks in and time flies. Thanks and 73 - Kay N3KN