I truly do not wish to be unkind or unfeeling in reacting to the issues you so clearly identified in your report.  What I must say, though, is that we have heard these same reasons or variations of them for years.  The time for justifying, rationalizing, defending or whatever one wishes to call it is over.  At least I have seen and heard enough of the same litany of problems.  Similarly, avowing to do something to correct the issues is a longstanding practice.  Where are the results?  When will we see the results?  Of greater importance, when will our members reap the benefit of the results?
Just today I learn of still another documented problem in which a Michigan club attempted twice to update its affiliation online.  On inquiring where HQ stood on processing this update the Michigan ACC was told "There is no club update for this club in the queue.  Please have Sylvia make the update on line and I will keep an eye open for it."  An hour or so later, Norm acknowledged receipt of the update after all.

Jim Weaver, K8JE
Director, Great Lakes Division
5065 Bethany Rd.
Mason, OH 45040
Tel. 513-459-1661; e-mail K8JE@arrl.org
ARRL:  The reason Amateur Radio Is
Members:  The reason ARRL is

From: arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Kramer, Harold, WJ1B
Sent: 16 May, 2011 4:13 PM
To: arrl-odv@arrl.org
Cc: Ford, Steve, WB8IMY; Pitts,Allen W1AGP; Somma, Maria,AB1FM; Glass, Katie,KB1ULQ; Patton, David NN1N; Hare, Ed W1RFI; Jahnke, Deb,K1DAJ; Inderbitzen, Bob,NQ1R; Johnson, Debra, K1DMJ
Subject: [arrl-odv:19952] Introduction to Emergency Communications Course Upand Running Online!

FYI – Sent to SMs and also going to SECs.






Harold Kramer, WJ1B

ARRL Chief Operating Officer

860 594 0220


From: smlist-bounces@reflector.arrl.org [mailto:smlist-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Ewald, Steve, WV1X
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 3:56 PM
To: smlist
Subject: [smlist:6596] Introduction to Emergency Communications Course Upand Running Online!


Hello, Section Managers.


Debra Johnson, K1DMJ, Education Services Manager, has the following news about the online Introduction to Emergency Communications Course.




Steve Ewald, WV1X

Supervisor, Field Organization Team


ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™






Introduction to Emergency Communication Course Up and Running Online!


We’re happy to report that we have been accepting enrollments for the new Introduction to Emergency Communications course since early April and the first online session of the new course has been successfully launched and is running smoothly on the new Moodle platform. Three 9-week sessions each with 25 seats have been opened for enrollment, one each in April, May and June.  The April and May sessions filled quickly.  Seats are still available in the June session.

All systems—the registration and payment system, the single-sign-on to the online platform, the back-end administrative database and the online course platform are functioning well.  Students and mentors do face a learning curve using the new online platform and there are hurdles with browser settings, but these are on-going issues that are part of the customer service support requirements for this type of product.


Though we are pleased with the roll-out experience of this new course and the IT integration it represents we have not widely publicized the availability of the course.  We need to re-build our cohort of mentors to support students who enroll in the course and until we are able to so we do not want to encourage more interest than we can support.  Your help in encouraging capable and qualified volunteers in your section who might lend their support to the program as online mentors will be appreciated! 


·         For a description of the new course go to our online catalog at: http://www.arrl.org/online-course-catalog


·         To review qualifications for online mentors and field instructors, go to: http://www.arrl.org/mentoring-online-courses and http://www.arrl.org/requirements-for-field-instructors.


We will be printing a transcript of the course content for use in field classes and are currently preparing it for publication.  When we have a commitment on the delivery of that publication we will provide that information.


Debra Johnson, K1DMJ

Education Services Manager

ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™

225 Main Street

Newington, CT 06111-1494

(860) 594-0296

Fax: (860) 594-0259
