Power was restored about 11:35 AM EDT.
The telephone system operated off the backup generator, but
calls could not be transferred from the operator’s console. We’re
looking into how to improve that.
W1AW was operational on its generator – in fact we had a
guest operating on 20 meters during the outage.
I’m told the Internet connection may be up and down today
for an unrelated reason.
Dave K1ZZ
From: Joel Harrison
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 10:35 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: Power Out at HQ
Dave just
called from his cell phone.
We have lost
electric power at ARRL HQ due to a line complication down the street, and it is
expected to be off for a couple of hours.
This will
impact email and phone operation there, so if you are trying to contact HQ or
receive an email about someone being unable to reach HQ, that is the reason.