From: Dan Sohn <>
Date: December 30, 2020 at 9:16:05 PM PST
Cc: Dave Anderson <>, Mikhael Brown <>, Brian Carr <>, Paul Dostie <>, Calvin Fagundes <>, Kyle Hamilton <>, Sam Hernandez <>, Chris Johnson <>, Dennis Kidder <>, Rich Larson <>,, Jack Luoma <>, Pat Mandas <>, George Overturf <>, Paul Owen <>, Dan Sohn <>, Ned Sudduth <>, Lucian Thomas <>, Kern West ARES <>, John Litz <>, Kristen Mcintyre <>, Gilbert Paul KE5ZW <>
Subject: Re: [SEC-ARES] FCC sets amateur radio license fee to $35.00
Reply-To: Dan Sohn <>
I couldn’t agree with you more Barry,With FCC-20-184 the FCC dropped the guillotine on any ARRL claim that the FCC along with the Nation's local EMAs view ARES as a viable Emergency Communications resource.That unnecessary comment using extremely poorly chosen language will resound negatively and have disastrous impacts on hopes for reviving ARES and renewing affiliations with EMAs & other AHJs.Reading the Order and Rule Making I found that the FCC’s attitude about Amateur radio’s value during initial disaster responses has changed 180 degrees from every Rule Making & Order I’ve read in the last 6 years of researching Part 97 Proposed Rule makings and Orders.I hope that when the dust (& the pandemic) settles, Congress comes to the rescue - otherwise ARES will soon be history, which - in the words of 'The History Guy’ - should be remembered.This sudden turn about will inevitably cause every ARES Operator to question their value to those they serve on request wrt to routine use cases and instinctively wrt immediate responses to disasters.Everyone Have a Happier New Year & 73,…dan wl7cooSJV SEC209.628.2242On Dec 30, 2020, at 8:35 PM, Barry Porter via <> wrote:That statement is going to have real repercussions for our ability to getreasonable liability and other insurance, and recognition by other governmentand non government groups.BarryOn Dec 30, 2020, at 10:56 PM, Pete Emmel, K4LLE <> wrote:I dont know about anybody else but I find "the amateur service is not an emergency radio service" disappointing, to say the least.
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