I made 114 QSOs in the first hour of CQ WPX CW, mostly S&P, but it's a bit tiring to do everything with one hand.
Surgery went well. I'll have this soccer ball on my right hand at least until next Thursday, but after that I hope the dressing will be a bit smaller.
Dave K1ZZ

From: Andy Oppel [mailto:andy_oppel@earthlink.net]
Sent: Sat 5/27/2006 2:05 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:14128] Re: Dave OK

I am right-handed but learned to send left-handed almost from the
beginning.  The obvious advantage is that you never have to put your
pencil down.  I also learned to use a computer mouse with either hand
for much the same reason -- plus I can balance the repetitive motions
to reduce carpal tunnel problems.  I think they call that ambi-moustrous.

Glad to hear Dave is doing well.

--  Andy Oppel, N6AJO

At 06:23 PM 5/26/2006, joelh@centurytel.net wrote:
>Dave's surgery went OK. He's home and has a very large bandage on
>his hand and lower arm, so now would be good time to out do him in a
>CW contest. Even though Dave is left handed, he sends CW with his right hand!
>Seriously, his typing is severly restricted (as you can imagine) and
>so will his email reply capabilities.
>Anyway, he is home recovering.
>Everyone have a fun, but most important safe, Memorial Day holiday weekend.
>73 Joel W5ZN