I vote Aye on this resolution.
Cliff K0CA
From: arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org [mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 2:46 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:20806] Request for Board approval of 9 cm band plan
ARRL Directors:
Upon completing its work on a revised band plan for the 9 cm (3300-3500 MHz) band the UHF / Microwave Band Plan Committee requested that the Executive Committee submit it to the Board for formal approval by mail vote. The Executive Committee has unanimously voted to do so.
Here is the resolution submitted for Board consideration by the Executive Committee:
Resolved, that the revised band plan for the 9 cm (3300-3500 MHz) band as prepared by the UHF / Microwave Band Plan Committee and identified as “Draft 9 cm Band Plan Rev D” with accompanying “9 cm Band Plan Notes Rev E” is adopted as the ARRL national plan; and
further resolved that when published, the band plan will include a reminder that its purpose is to share information about how our bands are being used and to suggest compatible frequency ranges for various types of application; noting, however, that local conditions or needs may necessitate deviations from a national band plan, and that regional frequency coordinating bodies may recommend alternatives for use in their respective regions.
After reviewing the information contained below and in the three attachments, please let me have your vote, aye or nay, on the resolution.
David Sumner, K1ZZ
At its July, 2011 meeting Board authorized the formation of a committee to review and update the ARRL’s published band plans for the 33 cm, 23 cm, 13 cm and 9 cm Amateur bands. In August, President Craigie appointed the members of the Committee with Mr. Roderick as chair.
Committee Activities
In November the Committee asked the Amateur Radio community for input as to current, planned and projected uses of the Amateur bands between 902 MHz and 3.5 GHz. After receiving and reviewing hundreds of comments and suggestions, members of the Committee began drafting plans for each of the bands under review. Top priority was placed on the 9 cm band because of its high risk under the National Broadband Plan, the clear inadequacy of the existing published plan for that band and the inclusion of a revised plan as a key element of the Broadband Plan Committee’s recommended defensive actions.
The first draft of the new 9 cm band plan was exposed for comment in March, 2012 with a comment period of just over one month. After taking the comments received into consideration, the Committee finalized the 9 cm band plan. The attached Excel file shows the detailed band plan with references to the numbered notes contained in the separate Word document, “9 cm Band Plan Notes Rev E.doc” while a graphic depiction of the band plan that omits some of the detail is shown in “9 cm Band Diagram – Rev D.doc”.
Actions Upon Board Approval
Our release of each approved band plan will include a reminder that the purpose of these band plans is to share information about how our bands are being used and to suggest compatible frequency ranges for various types of application. We recognize that local conditions or needs may necessitate deviations from a national band plan, and our published plan will make clear that regional frequency coordinating bodies may recommend alternatives for use in their respective regions.
Submitted by Rick Roderick K5UR, Chair
ARRL Microwave Band Plan Committee