Hi all: Mike has done a great job this week keeping the burners turned up on ODV about The Amateur Radio Parity Act. It's trilling to see the response from the Amateur Radio Community. I don't know about you, but it makes me proud to see the rally across the country. But we can't expect people to do something we are not doing ourselves. Only about half of the Divisions have written their Divisions and a very small number of SM's have followed through as well. Folks, we can do better than that. Please, take some time to reflect back over this journey. Think how hard we've worked. Think how far we've come. Think of what we owe our members and the entire Amateur Radio Community. You are leaders. You wouldn't have been elected to this Board if you weren't. Now is the time for all of us to step up and set an example. We need every Division and every Section writing about this, urging members to go to the RallyCongress link. I realize some of you are not fully on board with the Parity Act, but I would respectfully ask you to consider something. The Board debated the direction we were going to take with this Bill. You decided that direction collectively, and whether you agree with that path or not, you owe it to the League, to your colleagues, and to our members to support that decision. That's teamwork. Many of you remember back when I was a Director. There were many times that I was quite upset, angry in fact, about certain decisions we made, but you've also heard me say, more than once, that once we make a decision and leave that Board room and walk out those double doors, then we leave that anger behind. We leave in formation, in lock-step with each other, shoulder to shoulder, and knowing that each of us has the others back. That's teamwork. This is a time we need to all be together. We need to have all Divisions on board. We need to have all Sections on board. We need YOU on board. I am asking you, please, step up and get this movement going and let's cross that finish line together, arm in arm. Thank you. 73 Rick - K5UR ...