Thanks for this encouraging report, Dave. I'd like to highlight two items from the report, if I may. One is that David Redl spoke very candidly, and we should show our appreciation for his candor by keeping his blunt assessment of H.R. 607 confidential. He shows signs of being willing to help us in the future, but he won't do it if we develop a case of loose lips. The second thing is that despite the apparently dim future for H.R. 607, we cannot let our guard down or let the pressure up. Nutty things happen inside the Beltway - your idea of exactly what those things are may differ from mine, but we probably agree on the basic principle. Bad ideas take a lot of killing. We have to keep those cards & letters coming in until H.R. 607 is no longer even a whisper of a threat. On this subject, AMSAT's board has decided to work against the bill in its present form. I'm in touch with their president, and we're working on ways to help their members speak out. 73 - Kay N3KN