Kermit Indentured servitude is another option. There is also another attack on bad solar installations. Besides the equipment, there is a problem with the installers, some of whom are effectively high pressure car salesmen who use unskilled labor to perform the installations. Neither the company owners nor the installers have a clue. We can discuss at meeting. 73 _______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Vice Director Legislative Director West Gulf Division Office:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *_______________________________________*** On 7/12/18 9:38 PM, Kermit Carlson via arrl-odv wrote:
Hello John -
THe manufacturer is Solar Edge, I also believe that they are the OEM of the problematic optimizer circuit. A re-designed version is in the supply chain and the problem that their system presents can be remedied - but with PV systems becoming a cottage industry (especially in California) we will need real-time input from the field to keep harmful interference problems in check. The important take-home from the Solar Edge story, is that industry really worked well with the ARRL lab (Mike and Ed) to solve the problem.
We are starting a cloning process in the lab, but we aren't supposed to tell anyone.
Thanks for the kind words, I will pass your message along to the Committee. See you in a few days !
GUD DX es 73,
- Kermit W9XA
On Thursday, July 12, 2018, 9:28:22 PM CDT, John Robert Stratton <N5AUS@n5aus.com> wrote:
Who is the solar products manufacturer discussed under "Solar PV Systems"?
And — please — could we all agree to number the pages in our reports to make it easier to discuss them? T
What plans do we have to clone Mike Gruber or find a suitable replacement?
Kermit, thanks to you and the EMC Committee for the extensive work, by the way.
John Robert Stratton
Vice Director
Legislative Director
West Gulf Division
P.O. Box 2232
Austin, Texas 78768-2232
On 7/12/18 9:09 PM, Kermit Carlson via arrl-odv wrote: Greetings,
Please find attached the July 2018 ARRL EMC Committee Report, Document #16. The Report and Appendices are attached as two separate PDF files. As always, please contact me directly with any suggested edits or corrections.
Respectfully Submitted,
73, Kermit Carlson W9XA ARRL EMC Committee Chair ARRL Central Division Director
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