Ordinarily an employee's medical situation is private. However, because he has mentioned it himself in his reports, I believe most of you are aware that Steve Mansfield underwent surgery in late November 2000 to remove a brain tumor and that he has been receiving medical treatment since then. Unfortunately, the problem has recurred. A couple of weeks ago Steve and I reviewed the situation and mutually decided that he could no longer travel to Washington. By the middle of last week his functionality had become further impaired to the point that despite his strong desire to continue to come to work and do what he can, it was no longer possible for him to do so. This week Steve is scheduled to go to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston for more advanced chemotherapy than he can receive here in Hartford. After that he will probably be on disability leave. We remain hopeful, but we also have to make sure that our legislative and public affairs bases are covered. President Haynie and I have discussed contingencies. In the meantime, Chris Imlay, Derek Riker, and John Chwat are making sure that our CC&R legislative initiative continues to move forward. I know you will keep Steve in your thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. Dave Sumner, K1ZZ