This is a very important update to understand the current struggle with working with the field organization.
The Field Service working group sent a survey to 71 ARRL Section Managers. The survey asked ONE question, open ended, about what ONE thing we could be doing better.
Only 43 SM’s responded.
Personal emails followed to the other 28 SM’s asking them to please respond, and the deadline was even extended. No further responses were received.
We have SM’s that are checked out. I personally have tried to engage with one New England SM on three different occasions. Crickets.
We need to be prepared for a discussion about how to manage SM’s that have chosen to disconnect from their responsibilities. I know that the Board has the power to make changes where they are required.
I am not suggesting we are there yet.
But this will need attention as we restructure the support, care and feeding of the field going forward. If SM’s don’t want to be SM’s, how do we manage that without creating another member explosion over governance?