Vol 26, No. 10
March 12, 2003
Upcoming Meetings
March 15th in Irving, TX at 8:00am
Executive Committee
April 26th in Kansas City, MO at 8:30am
A&F Committee
Development conducted an hour-long phone interviewed with the national fund-raising weekly publication Chronicle of Philanthropy about the ARRL Diamond Club. The article to which we contributed focuses on small to medium-sized non-profits and how they are recognizing major donors. No word yet on when the article will appear.
The ARRL Diamond Club has reached 489 donors, raising more than $77,000 since the program’s inception last fall. The average contribution to the Diamond Club is $157. The first solicitation to ARRL members to join the Diamond Club at renewal time will be mailed as to a segment of the renewal file for March 2003 and then monthly for the balance of the year.
Early in 2002 Vice Director Woolweaver urged the Development Office to apply for acceptance to the Combined Federal Campaign, a fund raising campaign for federal employees. ARRL was accepted several months ago and were included in the national listing of approved non-profits to which employees may designate contributions. The past two weeks have seen a flurry of letters and emails indicating contributions that have been designated to ARRL totally nearly $2000. Thanks for Dr. Woolweaver for his leadership idea.
The first returns are coming in for the 2003 Education & Technology campaign that was mailed February 24.
With the strong design talents of Sue Fagan, the brochures for two ARRL gift recognition programs are reaching their final phase. Building on the design concept of the ARRL Diamond Club brochure, the Legacy Circle brochure and the Maxim Society brochure are designed in the same look and feel, including a marble treatment on the cover. These brochures should be ready for mailing by the end of March or early April and will be displayed in Dayton.
With the help of ISD, the Development Office has identified the first 12 donors to qualify for the Maxim Society whose lifetime giving exceeds $10,000, and 17 prospects whose lifetime giving exceeds $5,000. All will received the new brochure.
More than 200 invitations to the Donor Recognition Reception in Dayton were mailed last week. First responses are coming in.
After the second monthly Development Marketing meeting, the idea surfaced to offer once again a license plate holder. Development is considering this gift to encourage members to upgrade to Diamond Club level and to Diamond club donors who increase their annual contribution. Design ideas include the words "Amateur Radio" on the top and "When all else fails" on the bottom. The idea is still under review.
Media Relations
Jennifer participated in the monthly PR committee conference call. Planning for the annual PRC meeting in Dayton and the PR forum at Hamvention is underway. ICOM has graciously agreed to provide two hand-held radios for forum door prizes. In other matters, the PRC voted to create a Public Information Coordinator reflector to better communicate with the sections’ top level PR volunteers. The group also voted to form a speaker’s bureau. Further discussions on how that will be organized are ongoing. This year, one strong committee objective is to have the PRC implement PR initiatives with the target of getting the sections’ (and clubs’) PICs and PIOs active in “spreading the word” about Amateur Radio activities. Committee members ware tasked with identifying two outreach programs they have participated in or intend to execute prior to Dayton.
Jennifer talked with a reporter with the Royal Tribune in Berkley, Michigan. She had questions about proper ham radio operation, in the wake of a story about Thomas Brothers, formally KI8BE, who had his license revoked for illegal broadcasting.
A follow-up interview was done with the Indianapolis Star reporter for a story about ham radio operators talking to shuttle and ISS astronauts. The story ran March 8.
Several staff members jumped in to offer assistance to a graduate student who is working on a paper about amateur television. Jennifer also relayed pieces of information, and Lisa Kustosik is helping retrieve and copy past QST articles on the subject.
A new title, The Extra Class Q&A Manual, has been released to the printer. We checked printer’s proofs for a new printing of Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur.
Sales & Marketing
Welcome to Diane Szlachetka, who recently joined the Sales & Marketing Department. Diane has already rolled-up her sleeves as she fills the position of Graphic Designer/Production Specialist. Her office initials are DHS and telephone extension is 323.
Bob Inderbitzen is collaborating with Sue Fagan on a cover design for the upcoming edition of Hints & Kinks for the Radio Amateur. Covers are also being produced for the new ARRL UHF/Microwave Projects CD and a book sponsored by the YASME Foundation.
Thanks go to staff that participated in the all-day direct marketing "boot camp" recently in New Britain. Bob reports that there was an excellent list of "do-able" ideas generated throughout the day. The Sales & Marketing team will test some of the ideas as direct marketing activities are conducted throughout the year. Special thanks to Janet Rocco for locating the off-site venue, and for organizing refreshments, lunch, maps and other details that contributed to a smoothly run day.
We are pleased to report that membership projections for the month of February exceeded forecast. Our plan called for a membership loss of 124 members -- we actually had a gain of 187 over the preceding month. Deb Jahnke is currently working on the membership analysis reports. She has completed Author Royalty payment reports that will be sent to authors shortly.
February publication sales targets slightly exceeded forecast. April QST closed with just over 64 display advertising pages, a welcome increase over the January through March issues which ran 54-56 pages. Advertising revenues closed out above projections for both the new Now Your Talking! and Repeater Directory.
We are currently working on soliciting ads for the May QST. The May issue will also include an eight page pullout Dayton Special that includes special sale ads from a number of our advertisers. The pullout is smaller than normal QST page size and designed to be single-folded to be carried in a back pocket, purse, etc. We expect this advertising tool to become an annual regular.
ICOM America agreed to once again sponsor the DXCC Yearbook including a commitment to purchase additional space on the inside front and back covers.
Amateur Radio Today VHS and CDs have arrived. Zoe Belliveau and her Fulfillment staff are currently releasing the paid back orders.
Published QEX and NCJ subscription rates on the Web site now include two and three year rates. Over the years, a number of subscribers have expressed interest in subscribing to these publications for more than one year at a time even if no discount was offered.
Bob conducted an email solicitation that brought in 114 new QEX subscribers and 15 renewals. The same solicitation bagged 14 new NCJ subscribers and 1 renewal. These are great numbers when we note that a typical week will net five new QEX subscribers and generally zero new NCJ readers.
Steve Capodicasa and the warehouse crew shipped 714 ARRL Periodical CD ROMS 2002 to our International CD members. These ARRL members receive the yearly CD-ROM instead of the monthly QST. This is a 115-count increase over last year.
Copies of the course book for Emergency Communications Level 1 arrived and back orders have been fulfilled.
On a sad note, Customer Service Representative, Danny Sayad’s grandfather passed away last week. Our sympathies go out Danny and his family.
Membership Services
Awards Branch
WAS QSL Cards Checked 300
WAS Certificates (1000 QSLs F/C) 20
WAS Certificates (550 QSLs ES/C) 11
A-1 Operator Nominations 1
L/T Member Inquiries 10
70-Year Member Award 1
25-Year Member Awards 2
VUCC Endorsement Apps. 3
Grids 259
Awards Mailed 58
Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks. For the coming week—RCC, OTC, Friendship, Code Proficiency, and VUCC awards, Extra Class certificates, and mail out all awards processed this week.
DXCC Branch
Weekly Report
March 9, 2003
Beginning Cards 157,565
Cards Received 10,329
Cards Processed 23,010
Ending Cards 144,884
Applications Pending 1,346
Processing Time 15.5 Weeks
Year-to-date (2003)
Cards Received 85,457
Cards Returned 146,047
QRPs Issued this week 4
QRPs Issued total 282
DXCC is currently mailing applications received on November 21, 2002. DXCC is currently entering cards received on December 13, 2002. 1 Millennium award was issued bringing the total issued to 2,989.
Contest Branch
Data entry for the January VHF Sweepstakes was completed. Assorted problem logs for the 10 meter, RTTY, January VHF Sweepstakes, and DX CW contests were dealt with. Member queries regarding the new Field Day category involving the EOC were also answered.
QSL Branch
QSL service status: Current. Cards mailed year to date as of 03/09/03 - 335,250. Cards mailed on 03/07/2003 - 87,850. Heather Dzamba spent 1 hour conducting a tour around HQ.
Thanks to Mike Tracy, KC1SX for the spectral purity tests he’s been performing on the Harris exciters (used on 160 meters).
Scott Gee worked on slow and fast code practice files for the month of March. He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot.
Joe Carcia began processing regular W1AW QSL card requests. He also began some simple repairs to the ICOM HF/VHF receivers (used for monitoring the station’s regular transmissions). Satellite activity on AO-40 continues with QSOs being made with stations in Israel, Europe and even one in Gabon (TR8CA).
W1AW telephone sales year to date (2003): $1,738.
Field & Educational Services
Successful ARISS QSOs with a German school, an Italian school and a Texas school were held. Rick, as usual, wrote a nice story for our Web on the German kids. This QSO is highlighted (including photos) on NASA's Web pages. Rosalie began logistics for the next ARISS education telecon, and shared some notes with staff that she took at the recent all-day marketing meeting.
Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program
Jerry Hill reviewed 14 applications from schools wishing to be in the Big Project. We have funding for 11 schools, but some applications reflect weak schools that may not be ready for our project. For any schools not selected by the Executive committee, the applicants would be encouraged to re-apply later. Jerry will exhibit Amateur Radio in school at the International Technical Education Association's national conference -- booth costs and registrations are paid for by NASA.
EmComm Grants
Dan Miller reports that more than 290 people signed up for the Level I grant-sponsored ARECC course this month. Registration closed once again in less than 24 hours. For classes that opened previously, 47 hams graduated this week. Several states have hybrid classes beginning this month including: NH, IL, OH and PA. Dan traveled to the Charlotte, NC convention to do another ARECC seminar.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Leona Adams reports there will be 3 SM elections for terms beginning July 1; petitions were due at HQ by March 7. Two valid nominees submitted petitions from each of these sections: New Hampshire, Maryland/DC and San Joaquin Valley.
Chuck Skolaut received and graded 4 OO exams; 2 candidates passed, and the other 2 will re-test. Chuck received 3 recommendations for OOs from Section Leaders. Reports of malicious interference on 14.247 MHz were received, as was an intruder report about a signal on 3.797 MHz -- a possible source was identified.
Steve Ewald notes that Section Leaders are using Public Service Commendation Certificates and Emergency Commendation Certificates posted on the SM Web pages for easy downloading. The South Texas Section will use these to recognize operators who participated in the Space Shuttle debris search, and the Kentucky Section will acknowledge hams who participated in recent ice and snow storms. This past week, there were 19 e-mail message relays from a dozen different SMs.
Howard Robins and Bob Inderbitzen discussed strategies to promote CCE classes, including testing email direct marketing. Howard prepared and sent reminders to people interested in upcoming classes who'd requested such. He extracted data for reimbursement checks, and to produce labels to support a mailing of surveys to CNCS graduates. Due to RS12/13's demise, Steve Ford updated our Satellite Communications course; Howard formatted this for use by our Web host.
Jerry processed results from several CCE field exam sessions received recently. He is assigning mentors to, and opening, Level 1 classes that will start later this month, and he printed and mailed to CNCS grads their certificates, ID cards and refund checks.
Regulatory Information
John Hennessee assisted amateurs with covenant problems in Scottsdale, AZ (N7JGU); Surfside Beach, SC (AE4BX) and Snohomish County, WA (W0MCD). He has also received an increase of questions from hams and non-hams on the possible deletion of the Morse code as an international requirement, and people departing for cruises in the Caribbean who wish to operate ham radios.
Field and Education Support Team
Jean Wolfgang received a Girl Scout Amateur Radio badge proposal from a leader whose husband is a ham. The leader sent the proposal to her council office in Tennessee. Jean is in the process of securing the support money from 3 clubs for the Instructor of the Year awards. She handled 3 school applications for ARISS contacts.
Margie Bourgoin sent paperwork for 6 clubs to the EC for approval at their meeting next week. She reports heavy volunteer instructor activity. Margie sent out a notice to clubs about an upcoming Digital Conference, at the request of Steve Ford.
Linda Mullally registered 9 Volunteer Instructors and 2 schoolteachers. She updated 43 club records, with 1 reactivation, and mailed out 14 initial field appointment supply packages. She completed the F&ES Inventory, the Videolibrary Inventory, and the F&ES Monthly Revenue Report -- total February revenue is: $1,501.41.
Mary Lau answered questions for Goldfarb applicants who are filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid report--a required document to apply for the new Goldfarb award.
Mark Wilson, K1RO
Chief Operating Officer
MW: lk
Staff Absentee List
Name Date(s) Reason
Joe Carcia 3/11pm Vacation
Mary Lau 3/12 Vacation
Jerry Hill 3/12-3/14 International Tech. Education Assoc. National conference
Stu Cohen 3/12-3/18 Vacation
Steve Ewald 3/21 NE State Convention
Mark Wilson 3/25-3/31 Vacation
Dan Miller 3/29-3/30 Atlantic Div. Conv., Timonium, MD