Monte still around causing trouble for no reason?  If you don’t know him give me a call Mike.  I watched Monte complain about nonsense during the Cascadia Rising debacle and the fight he had with NTS. I was involved with that for NTS when he demanded NTS step away and stay out of his way even though NTS participation was requested by FEMA .   He is in fact the horses 6 o’clock and makes things up and then treats such fake news as fact. He was an obstacle to NTS for whatever reason Mike.  I suggest you ask him where he heard such crap so we can run it down.  There cannot possibly be any shred of truth to this, but that will not stop some people.



Bob Famiglio, K3RF

Vice Director - ARRL Atlantic Division






From: arrl-odv On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2019 4:26 PM
To: Michael Ritz <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:28668] Re: Fwd: RE: Re[2]: Digital Modes - Fasten your seat belt


Exactly. That’s full of stuff that you’ll find from the rear end of a horse.


Being around professional politics and media for a long time I can tell you that a lie can get halfway around the world while the truth is still getting its shoes on.


We need to stand our ground and stay the course.




Ria, N2RJ


On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 4:15 PM Michael Ritz <> wrote:

Below is an example of how this "digital dilemma" has mushroomed out of control through the social media world, at least here in the Far West. This is a message I just received from the Western Washington Section Manager.  


My first thought was: "Holy CR*P. Where in the heck did THIS come from?" I told Monte there is absolutely no truth to that story, but is an example of how we REALLY need to be careful how we deal with this touchy subject.  


I have to commend both Rick, K5UR, and Greg, K0GW,  for the swiftness in getting the new committee set up, and functional, with the first meeting set for next week. The collective eyes and scrutiny of many League members are upon us. 





---------- Original Message ----------
From: "" <>
To: 'Michael Ritz' <>
Date: August 28, 2019 at 4:42 PM
Subject: RE: Re[2]: Digital Modes - Fasten your seat belt



I just heard some scuttlebutt that you can either confirm or deny. There is a rumor on the street that was allegedly attributed to a director or directors from the eastern U.S. that said during the meeting you mentioned below that two directors commented when the facilitator attorney stepped out of the room said they want to be on the committee so they can torpedo ARES. As I understand the rumor, they want ARES removed as a program from the ARRL. I like to think this rumor is a fabrication.  If true it is alarming and would cost the ARRL many members.


This is truly a revolting development,








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