Hi Bruce, Thanks! I will see you all Thursday! 73, Henry - WD4Q ----- Original Message ----- From: Bruce Frahm To: Henry R. Leggette Cc: arrl-odv Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 5:57 PM Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:16988] Re: PROVISIONAL SM Governance report Doc 17a We'll have a clearer answer Thursday PM Henry. We may suggest that some of our recommendations go to other bodies for further study or action. We could have motions regarding SM nomination procedure and/or moving some SM appointments to other 'bosses'. 73 Bruce On 7/15/08, Henry R. Leggette <wd4q@bellsouth.net> wrote: Bruce, Does the PSC anticipate any motions for the Board based upon your report? I am especially concerned about the information developed on the SM's, OOC's and OO's. Henry - WD4Q