
As Greg stated this is indeed unsettling news. However, I agree with Ria that this presents us a good opportunity to make further in roads with the builder community as many in their have expressed interest in amateur radio at the Builder Fairs where we have had a presence. This has always seemed to be a “natural fit” or a symbiotic relationship with the builders that should be further pursued in the Greg suggested. 


David A. Norris, K5UZ
Director, Delta Division

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 9, 2019, at 6:25 AM, G Widin <> wrote:

This is very unsettling news, though I confess I always wondered how Make: got its business model to work.  Now we know.

I agree with Ria—we should opportunistically capture a larger share of Makers who have an affinity to radio and electronics.  It will be important to do that in a way that is non-dilutive to our primary mission of amateur radio, but I’m sure we will find such actions if we keep our eyes open.
     Greg,  K0GW

On Sunday, June 9, 2019, <> wrote:
I was sent this by a number of folks including the Hall of Science ARC
in Queens NY.

The silver lining is that this could be an excellent opportunity for
ARRL to fill a void and capture not only a growing but also a younger
market. There are many who crave making and what better way than to
marry it to amateur radio. After all, making is in our DNA.

We have quite a few hams who are prominent in the maker community
including Ladyada (Limor Fried), AC2SN and also Joe Eisenberg, K0NEB
who does kit building workshops. And I can assure you that there are
many, many more in the shadows.

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