Hi all, I'm back in the office after a nice vacation trip to Cooper Island, BVI. The main purpose of the trip was to give Linda a break from the winter weather, but as Joel says, I brought along our FT-817 and operated QRP (there is no electricity on the island other than solar-charged batteries). Thanks to the several of you who dug my QRP signal out of the noise to be among my 1590 QSOs, including 125 on 160 meters and 363 on 80 meters (I mention those two bands because they're not generally thought of as good bands for QRP DX). I uploaded the log to LOTW yesterday. There are already 86 "QSLs" and I've received a couple of nice notes. And now to work... 73, Dave K1ZZ -----Original Message----- From: Harrison, Joel (1st Vice President) Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 3:29 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11834] VP2V/K1ZZ Dave left yesterday for a few days vacation, heading down to VP2V to operate in the FOC contest this weekend. He just fired up on 17 meters as VP2V/K1ZZ. Some QSB, but for his 5 watts and a dipole he's Q5. 73, Joel W5ZN