This is no surprise Mark. The communications systems available to Red Cross makes their own employees Emcomm capable operators for most disasters. Every Public Safety APCO show and others I attend demonstrates this more and more each year. The lack of operator capabilities we have as radio amateurs made this inevitable in my view. The “one to many” satellite PTT systems Icom and others now sells at HTs with very reliable radios leaves hams behind as we transition from radio “skill-centric” hams to a “I just want to talk on the radio” as social media hams without tech skills applicable to EmComm, mostly. I always hope I am wrong, but I also know there will be room and demand for real, skilled radio op volunteers. It just might be incidental to having a ham license. On the bright side, now hams need not decide between serving the Red Cross or serving ARES. It has caused conflict in serving two masters for many. I would love to listen in to Town Hall if possible. Bob Famiglio, K3RF Vice Director - ARRL Atlantic Division 610-359-7300 www.QRZ.com/db/K3RF From: arrl-odv On Behalf Of Mark J Tharp Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 4:34 PM To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@arrl.org> Subject: [arrl-odv:31226] Fwd: FW: [EXTERNAL] RE: HAM Radio Strategy This was sent to the area Red Cross volunteers that may or may not also be ARES volunteers. Anyone else run into this? Mr. Gilbert was also included in the original email. Mark, HDX _____ From: Dieffenbach, Alex <alex.dieffenbach@redcross.org <mailto:alex.dieffenbach@redcross.org> > Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 10:49 AM To: Subject: HAM Radio Strategy Dear Northwest Region HAM Radio Operators, Thank you for the time and talent you have dedicated to our Northwest Region HAM Radio program. Over the years, you have diligently performed weekly checks, welcomed new members into the fold and made available critical communications support. We are profoundly grateful for your efforts and teamwork. I am writing to you today to share some news regarding strategic direction that impacts our HAM radio program. National has determined that HAM radio will no longer be part of our communication strategy. This decision was not made lightly and came on the heels of numerous discussions, research and debate. I am very proud and thankful for all of the hard work, energy and passion that the Northwest Region HAM Team has contributed to our mission over the years. Our HAM volunteers are amongst the best and most passionate volunteers serving in our Region. It is my sincere hope that all of you will continue to volunteer for the Red Cross in different areas moving forward. As I mentioned, this decision was not made lightly and I would like to share some reasons why we are moving in this new direction: * For the vast majority of our responses, we have not had to rely on amateur radio to supplement our communications strategy. * Innovations in technology have made it much more likely that alternative forms of communication will be available, and have been available, during disaster responses. * In case emergency HAM resources are necessary, the Red Cross has MOU’s in place with ARES and would request radio operators to support Red Cross activities. * It became clear that maintaining our HAM Teams and equipment was cost prohibitive in terms of likeliness of engaging these resources. * The new Real Estate Strategy has greatly reduced the availability of space and key electronics necessary to continue the program. There is no doubt, that we are a stronger Region because of our HAM volunteers and, as mentioned above, it is my sincere hope that we can find a place for you to continue to serve our mission. If you are unable to continue to volunteer with us and share your talent and passion in another Red Cross endeavor, please accept my deepest appreciation for the work you have done on behalf of communities in need. I would also like to announce that anyone interested in attending a virtual “Town hall” on this topic is invited to join us on November 5th at 4 PM. At this meeting, we plan to share the timeline, discuss the equipment plan and answer any questions you may have. Please be on the lookout for a meeting invitation coming soon. Thank you, again, to all of you, our HAM Team Members across the Region Alex R. Dieffenbach | CEO American Red Cross Northwest Region 1900 25th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98144 (206)726.3570 (O) (206)245.8554 (C) <mailto:alex.dieffenbach@redcross.org> alexdieffenbach@redcross.org CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.