C. Servers of ARRL Web Site
The ARRL website is presently hosted in the Rackspace cloud, sharing server resources with other Rackspace customers. This was done when we discovered late in the process of deploying the new site that the system requires many more processors than anticipated -- more than can be provided in a single server. However, in the cloud we are sharing resources with other cloud users, and the site's performance suffers because of this. We considered getting additional leased servers at Rackspace or another provider but concluded it would be more cost-effective and more manageable to move the site back to HQ. (HQ Internet connectivity was upgraded substantially this year, making this move feasible.)
We are requesting the addition of four small server-grade machines. The requested machines, which have multi-core processors but not much in the way of disk storage or memory, are to be used to service Web-page requests under the guidance of a master server. This is the same configuration as the present cloud-based system, but the hardware will be fully dedicated to the Web site, providing higher performance, and the backing database will be run on optimized SAN storage, substantially ameliorating one of the main bottlenecks of the present site.
Each of the servers costs $1,500, amounting to a total of $6,000.