Rick; I just sent PSC Motions 2, 3 and 4 to Carla/Dee to put into the Dropbox. 73; Mike W7VO
On 01/13/2021 1:49 PM Roderick, Rick, K5UR via arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> wrote:
Hi all:
Listed below are the motions in the dropbox as of this afternoon. I want to call your attention to A&F 1, the motion to approve the 2021-2022 Plan Documents. Diane Middleton sent the documents to ODV for review on December 3 (ODV:31429). They are quite detailed (88 pages). Please take time to review them and let Diane know if you have any questions.
73, Rick - K5UR
A&F 1 – Approve 2021-2022 Plan
A&F 2 – Thanks to Staff – 1. Ryan, 2. Jairam
PSC 1 – Reorganize PSC Advisory Committees
ARRL Foundation
Foundation 1 – Revise Articles to add mission statement. 1. Abernethy, 2. Ritz
IAVP 1 – Admission of Amateur Radio Union of the Kyrgyz Republic – 1. Stafford
IAVP 2 – Admission of Bahrain Amateur Radio Society – 1. Stafford
Stratton – Employment of CDO – 1. Stratton, 2. Hopengarten
Stratton – Accept Non-Amateur Radio Advertising – 1. Stratton, 2. Hopengarten
Hopengarten 1 – Form Committee on Investment Management – 1. Hopengarten, 2. Stratton
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