Can some one clarify whether the following language in the NCVEC petition would authorize phone operation in the Novice portion of 80, 40 and 15 meters? ------------------ NCVEC Petition Page 7 2. Section 97.307 is amended by deleting paragraph (f)(9) and revising paragraph (f)(10) to read as follows. Previous § 97.307(f)(10) is renumbered to (f)(9). Paragraphs (f)(11) to (f)(13) are renumbered to (f)(10) to (f)(12). § 97.307 Emission standards. (f) The following standards and limitations apply to transmissions on the frequencies specified in §97.305(c) of this part. (10) A station having a control operator holding a Novice Class, Technician Class or Technician Plus operator license may only transmit a CW emission using the international Morse code or phone emissions J3E and R3E. --------------- If phone privileges for Novice/Techs aren't expanded and the petition simply allows Techs (without element 1) the same 80, 40, 15 and 10 meter CW/data HF access as current Novice/Tech+ licensees and phone access on 10 meters from 28.3 to 28.5 MHz, what is the harm? Just to get the discussion rolling. Maybe that should be roiling. Jay, KØQB