Does anyone know the answer? Is anyone able to help Andre and the AREDN group? 73, Dick, N6AA? ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Andre Hansen <andre.k6ah@gmail.com>To: "n6aa@arrl.org" <n6aa@arrl.org>Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2020, 12:12:00 PM PSTSubject: Obtaining an audience with the FCC Hi Dick, I hope you've had a fun holiday season. I didn't hear back from you my last email, so I'm hoping you're still supportive of the AREDN defense of 3 and 5 GHz. I understand from Phil Karn, KA9Q, that he and a WinLink core team member were able to get an audience with the FCC in Washington, DC over WT Docket No. 16-239 on encryption. I am wondering if such a discussion wouldn't be an opportunity to educate the FCC on what AREDN is and how it serves the community. They obviously have no idea at this point. How does one get an audience with the FCC? Your thoughts would be appreciated. Sincerely, Andre, K6AH760-685-3769The AREDN Project