The PSC's VCR Committee has been working diligently
on a set of proposed rules for a UHF and Above Contest that
will differ significantly from the August UHF Contest. Starting
tomorrow evening the Committee will circulate a proposal
for which it seeks input. The Committee is looking for comments
to be sent to the email address vhf-input@arrl.org through
June 15th.
I did not want the members of the Board to be unaware
of this next step in our process of developing a set of recommendations.
Please have any of your constituents use the vhf-input@arrl.org
to submit comments and suggestions. The proposal is made in
the form and format of an ARRL Contest Rule but it is only a
proposal which will helpful in creating discussion.
Over the past 4 decades the August UHF Contest had
total particpation ranging between 150 and 200 participants and
was in need of revamping. The proposal of this Committee takes
several departures from the VHF/UHF contests of the recent past
these points are addressed in our Introduction letter included
Please note that we are asking that the publication of this
material be held until it is published tomorrow in the weekly ARRL Letter.
My thanks are to all of the members of the Committee who had
worked very had in the production of this proposed set of rules
which are based on the input that was received between July
and November of 2015. The proposed rules V4.4 is attached as
a PDF file. It is the hope of the VCR Committee to incorporate
the comments generated into a proposal in time for the PSC
meeting in July.
73, Kermit Carlson W9XA
"After receiving and reviewing considerable input from the
Amateur community, the ARRL VHF Contest Revitalization Committee
has drafted rules for a proposed new UHF & Up Contest and now
seeks your input on this draft. In proposing the new rules, the
Committee sought to respond to some of the most frequently
received comments and to provide a “test bed” for changes that
might be considered for other non-HF contests in the future.
Among the most common themes in the comments were:
Use distance-based scoring rather than a geographic multiplier system
The August timing is too close to other VHF + contests / too hot for roving
More incentive is needed to invest time and effort in making higher-band contacts
Existing rover rules are too complicated and too restrictive
Current VHF + contests have too many entry categories
Scoring potential varies widely from one geographic region to another
This proposal uses distance scoring with point multipliers for contacts
made on higher bands. To encourage roving, it simplifies rover rules
to include those who do not travel great distances and mobile stations.
It includes just three entry categories and features regional rather than
national competition. It adds team competition for small groups of
operators who may not be part of a contest club. The timing would
be in the spring, between the January and June VHF contests.
Nothing is final yet, including the name of the contest. The Committee
would like your input on the draft rules, which can be found at
before the VCR Committee moves ahead with any additional changes.
now and June 15th.
In addition, the Committee encourages more local outreach – articles,
announcements, seminars and mentoring - to draw new participants
into this and all radio sporting activities. Expanding the pool of potential
contacts will make these contests more enjoyable for everyone. Please
share your outreach ideas with us as well.