Vol. 35, No. 11
March 14, 2012 -- Covers the period March 4-10.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Executive Committee:
March 24 @ 8:30am – St. Louis, MO
Regulatory Information
Reported by Dan Henderson, N1ND
Registration for the March 15 Volunteer Counsel webinar is up to 88 participants – 23 section managers, 14 ODV/HQ staff, and 51 VCs. General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, and the RIB Manager have begun working on the presentations for the webinar. Director Cliff Ahrens, K0CA, has agreed to participate as chair of the Amateur Radio Legal Defense and Assistance Committee. Thanks also to Ken Bailey, K1FUG, for his assistance in setting up the webinar.
With the change in the 60-meter rules there have been a few questions raised and answered. The biggest confusion seems to revolve around digital signals centered on the various channel center frequencies. Radios or software that use an automatic offset for CW or digital modes must take that offset into account when they operate on 60-meters.
An interesting query was received from a non-ham realtor trying to find information on RF standards for a client who is considering purchasing a property next to an amateur. We explained that the amateur is not required to file RF certification reports with the FCC and tried to provide some simple information on RF safety from the ARRL website. Based on the information provided, there should not be an RF safety issue for the family if they purchase the property.
We received a query from a French national who also hold a US license asking if they qualified to receive an IARP based on their US license. Under the terms of the agreement, IARPs are issued by the ARRL only to citizens of the US. We also responded to another inquiry on the experimental license issued in January for the experimentation of spread spectrum on HF. It is our understanding that the FCC is not going to issue further experimental licenses for this test.
The Regulatory Information Office and the OO coordinator (as well as the FCC and a local Erie PA TV station) have been inundated with complaints by a Richard Wagner, a non-licensee / non-member. Wagner is claiming alleged interference being caused to his scanner by a repeater located at a nearby hospital. The FCC looked into this complaint last year but found nothing. We explained to the individual that we have no enforcement power on any issue and we were aware the FCC had found nothing. We spoke with the general manager of the TV station who shared that this individual had generated similar complaints during the transition from analog to digital TV. The TV station sent out engineers to try to work with him at that time but found nothing that would satisfy Mr. Wagner. The complainant sent over 80 emails to the ARRL during the week of March 5. Thanks to the Information Services Department for blocking further emails from this individual.
We received a report that an off-road-rally/race series was reported using amateur radio APRS to track the individual competitors and using that information to report race standings and results. We spoke with the race series owner/manager, who was aware of the report (which appeared in a popular auto sports web magazine). He assures us that when they tried this, they were using GPS and a Part 90 license, not amateur radio.
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
Working on the outline script for a new video tour of ARRL HQ. The PRC is working on a webinar teaching skills to make the most of news releases for Field Day. Their target date is April 12.
Reported by Lauren Clarke
The Spectrum Defense Fund has received $38,022 from 246 donors. Of particular note are some generous contributions received this week from clubs: the Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club in Houston, TX gave $1,000, The St. Paul Radio Club gave $600 (proceeds from an annual auction they hold) and the Arizona Repeater Association gave $2,500.
The Diamond Club has received $46,757 in contributions from 246 donors.
The Education & Technology Program has received $9,006 in contributions from 52 donors.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Khrystyne Keane assisted the IT and MVP Departments with editing the instructions for the new Online DXCC Application.
Khrystyne wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for March 8, 2012.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
During the last week, the warehouse crew fulfilled 753 packages for publication and product orders, 612 membership premiums, plus QST mailing supplements.
Bob Inderbitzen developed an online form to capture registration information for staff, officials and volunteers supporting this year’s ARRL exhibit at Dayton Hamvention. The ARRL team registration form should be completed by March 30: http://www.arrl.org/Dayton-Hamvention-ARRL-Team-Registration. He has also posted some preliminary information about ARRL EXPO at Hamvention and Pacificon at www.arrl.org/expo.
Diane Petrilli reports that a group of students from ARC Community College in Warwick, Rhode Island, WA1ABC, will be visiting ARRL for a tour on Thursday, March 15.
A broadcast e-mail announcing plans to introduce the digital edition of QST was emailed to nearly 2,000 members who have not yet registered for an ARRL website user account. The message encourages these members to create an online account and to log into the ARRL website. This is being done to proactively resolve potential login issues prior to the launch of the digital edition of QST with June’s issue. A similar e-mail will be sent this week to members who have already logged into the ARRL website reminding them of their username and login instructions.
The upcoming digital edition of QST and the expanded archive is now being promoted on the letter included with membership cards (sent to new and renewing members).
A large membership campaign was mailed on March 9, and responses are already coming in. Membership campaigns for April and May are being readied.
Diane Petrilli helped recruit 2 volunteers to assist Bob Allison with duties involving the new “museum” space in the Lab. One of those volunteers, Jonathan Allen, K2KKH, will also be helping Mike Marinaro, WN1M with archiving.
Amy Hurtado is helping navigate the printing and mailing of a couple of campaigns involving publication sales, membership and development.
Following a few months of using Pitney Bowes to manage shipping serves for international orders, we have seen a climb in complaints for late delivery and lost shipments. As a result, we expect to return to using shipping services offered by FedEx for international shipments. The cost differences are minimal, but we believe the more substantial international mail network managed by FEDEX will result in greater satisfaction and reliability.
Now Shipping: Get on the Air with HF Digital by Steve Ford, WB8IMY; The ABCs of Software Defined Radio by Martin Ewing, AA6E; ARRL Software Library for Hams 4.0 (downloadable version; CD-ROM coming soon).
Member Service Representative Kim McNeill earned her Technician Class Amateur Radio License. Congratulations Kim, KB1WUX!
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
DXCC Branch Credits Applications
2011 Carryover 196,105 1,552
2012 Received 180,349 1,328
Cumulative Total 376,454 2,880
2012 Processed 289,926 2,279
Remaining 86,528 601
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time 6 Weeks
LoTW Processing Time 3 Business Days
Logbook of the World
Feb 2012 % Change
Jan – Feb 2012
QSO Records Entered Into System 411,581,593 5%
QSL Record Matches 53,714,477 7%
Logs Processed 2,982,260 7%
Active Certificates 73,111 3%
Registered Users in System 48,779 4%
Logbook (Email Only) Inquiries Feb 2012
Emails 1,420
Phone Calls 158
Joe updated the web code practice files. He also assembled the new Acom 2000A HF amplifier and installed it in the Harris racks. This amp is now being used for the 80-meter broadcasts. Joe also swapped Harris amplifiers within the racks and rebuilt a 240 VAC distribution panel for use in the Harris racks (for subsequent new amplifiers). He made a quick repair to the 2-meter Mirage amplifier used in W1HQ and also corrected an issue with the 2-meter yagi cable coming into W1HQ. Joe also installed in W1HQ a Kenwood TS-2000X. This radio replaces an ailing Icom IC-746Pro transceiver.
Volunteer Jonathan Allen, K2KKH, is now assisting W1AW with the processing of Incoming QSL Bureau (DX) cards. Once he inputs these cards into the station’s QSL database, QSL labels will be printed and the cards processed through the bureau system.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
The nomination period for new Section Manager terms of office starting July 1, 2012, ended on Friday, March 9. Leona Adams and Steve Ewald have been in touch with the candidates. There will be two balloted Section Manager elections this spring. In Northern Florida, incumbent Section Manager Paul Eakin, KJ4G, has been nominated to run for a new term of office. Gary Alberstadt, KA3FZO, of Monticello, has been nominated as well. In Indiana, Brian Jenks, W9BGJ, of Fort Wayne, and Lou Everett, WA5LOU, of Indianapolis, have been nominated. Incumbent John Poindexter, W3ML, decided not to run for another term of office.
In Santa Clara Valley, Brandon Bianchi, NI6C, of Salinas, was the only nominee to run for Section Manager. Incumbent SM Phil Steffora, K6TT, decided not to run the next term of office. The following incumbent Section Managers were the only candidates nominated for their respective sections, and they, too, will start new terms of office on July 1: Don Michalski, W9IXG (Wisconsin); Bonnie Altus, AB6ZQ (Oregon); Bill Woodhead, N1KAT (Maine); Tom Ciciora, KA9QPN (Illinois); Paul Gayet, AA1SU (Vermont). Incumbent Larry Camp, WB8R (Michigan) was the only nominee in his section for an 18-month term of office.
One radio amateur from North Texas completed requirements to become an Official Observer. New Official Observer Coordinators were appointed for Alabama and Wisconsin. Chuck Skolaut compiled the monthly ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch report and forwarded it to the IARU Region 2 Coordinator.
The changes for the 60 meter band went into effect on March 5. We noticed an increased activity on the band for several days, but activity dropped back to normal after the initial increase. Work continued on an upcoming article about the Official Observers program. Several complaints were also received regarding interference to nets as well as the activity on 14.313 MHz.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff 4/6 Holiday
Steve Capodicasa 3/19 Vacation
`` 4/16 Vacation
`` 4/23 Vacation
Joe Carcia 4/27 Vacation
`` 5/25 Vacation
Paul Cuppini 5/16-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Jackie Ferreira 3/23-3/27 Vacation
`` 4/20 Vacation
`` 5/16-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Scott Gee 3/21-3/23 Vacation
`` 5/17-5/18 Vacation
Mike Gruber 5/4 NEARfest
`` 5/16-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
`` 6/4-6/8 Vacation
Joel Hallas 3/29-4/1 AES Superfest, Milwaukee, WI
Dan Henderson 4/2-4/5 Vacation
`` 4/19-4/29 Idaho State Convention, Boise, ID/Vacation
Mary Hobart 2/22 Medical Leave
Amy Hurtado 5/16-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Bob Inderbitzen 3/29-4/1 AES Superfest, Milwaukee, WI
`` 4/5-4/9 Vacation
`` 5/16-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Harold Kramer 3/16-3/18 Nebraska State Convention, Lincoln, NE
`` 5/17-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Zack Lau 3/22-3/23 Vacation
`` 5/4-5/7 Vacation
Monique Levesque 3/9-3/26 Vacation
Diane Petrilli 3/26-3/28 Vacation/ASAE Conference, Colorado Springs, CO
`` 5/17-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Allen Pitts 5/17-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Dave Sumner 3/23-3/25 Executive Committee Meeting, St. Louis, MO
`` 5/16-5/20 Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH
Sharon Taratula 3/19 Vacation