
Vol. 27, No.10

March 10, 2004

Upcoming Meeting

March 13th in Dallas, TX at 8:30am

Executive Committee Meeting


On Friday March 4 and Saturday March 5 ARRL hosted the inaugural visit to Headquarters by Joe Walsh, WB6ACU.  He was accompanied by Bob Heil, K9EID.  The two guests toured HQ on Friday afternoon, met with CEO Sumner and graciously signed autographs and stood for photos with staff and operated AM at W1AW.  On Friday evening Joe and Bob attended a special dinner for donors from the New England area: Kathleen and Willis Mack, N1HAI, Carol and Bruce Marcus, N1XG, Linda and Vern Brownell, W1VB, 1st Vice President Joel Harrison, W5ZN and wife, Kim, ARRL Foundation President Tom Frenaye, K1KI and his wife, Kacy Colton, and CEO Dave Sumner, K1ZZ and Linda Sumner KA1ZD.  On Saturday, March 5, Joe and Bob operated W1AW as part of the DX phone contest under the direction of Contest Manager Dan Henderson and W1AW Manager Joe Carcia.  It was a very successful and busy weekend for everyone, and Joe flew back to California impressed with ARRL HQ and W1AW and thrilled to have operated the Hiram Percy Maxim station.

The W1AW Endowment campaign has reached $81,887 from 1181 donors.  This is a correction of a prior report.  The follow up letters to prior donors and major donors are being mailed the week of March 8.

The 2004 Defense campaign continues to attract contributions and the spillover from 2003 has reached $53,709.  A new campaign will be launch toward the end of March.

A federal grant proposal was submitted to CNCS for a two year Learn and Serve Grant of $634,000 over two years to support the Education & Technology Fund.  The proposal requests funding for a special program to develop a hybrid curriculum introducing Amateur Radio basics and elements of Emergency Communications in schools to promote education and volunteerism in middle schools.  Six to ten grants will be awarded in summer 2004.

Information has been received for yet another federal grant in the Special Volunteer Program for Homeland Security.  This is the program from which ARRL is currently receiving funding for EmComm.  Discussions are underway to determine how ARRL might apply for additional funding under the new grant guidelines. The application deadline is April 23, 2004.

On March 16, ARRL will host a visit from Romero Cherry, our new CNCS Program Officer.  His visit will be in advance of the filing of our semi-annual progress report for the current CNCS grant.

The Diamond Club solicitation to new members who joined ARRL in Fall 2003 was mailed the week of March 1.  Results are just beginning to come in.

Plans continue for the 3rd Annual Donor Reception in Dayton during Hamvention in May.  600 invitations to key donors and advertisers will be mailed by March 15.

Final contacts will be made this week to donors seeking permission for recognition in the 2003 ARRL Annual Report.

Media Relations

For the second time this year, Dave Sumner wrote a letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal in response to a pro-BPL story.  The letters editor contacted Dave this time, and said they "were considering" running his letter.  Absolutely no promises on that.  Dave also had a lengthy phone conversation with the reporter who wrote the recent article, but again, no promises on a follow up piece.

A Cincinnati Associated Press reporter interviewed Dave regarding ARRLs position on BPL.  She was doing a story on the recent BPL news out of that area, involving Cinergy Corporation, and included some of Dave's comments in the finished piece.  The story was picked up in newspapers around the country, including USA Today.

The Cinergy/BPL story prompted Ohio SM Joe Phillips, K8QOE, to contact a reporter with the Cincinnati Enquirer who had covered the story.  Joe's efforts paid off, and the reporter ran a piece including ham radio concerns.  Shortly after, the Cincinnati Post ran a guest editorial on the same subject, penned by ARRL member Peter Nord, WB8FGE. 

Yet another pro-BPL article showed up in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, regarding the implementation of BPL by a utility company in town.  Jennifer contacted the reporter to voice ARRL's concerns on the issue, and it's possible that he'll do a follow-up piece sometime in the future.

Dave did an interview with Associated Press Radio in New York on the addition of the "@ sign" as a Morse code character.

A feature article on Hudson Division Vice Director Joyce Birmingham ran in the Ridgewood (New Jersey) News.  The reporter is sending Jennifer a copy of the article.  The story resulted from the hometown news release Jennifer distributed to announce Joyce's election as Vice Director. 

Jennifer was interviewed by a reporter with the Northwest Herald in Crystal Lake, Illinois, for a general feature article on ham radio.  She was able to bring up the BPL issue briefly, at the appropriate time.  She was told that the article would run later this month.

The reflector specifically for Public Information Coordinators has been shut down.  With little or no traffic on the listserve, and because the majority of PIC reflector members already belonged to the general PR reflector, this made sense.  One of the eight PICs who did not belong to the PR reflector requested to be moved over to that one. No complaints so far.


Shelly Bloom, Sue Fagan and Maty Weinberg successfully shepherded the new printing of The ARRL RFI Book out the door this week.

Congratulations to Larry Wolfgang, Shelly Bloom, Dave Pingree and Sue Fagan on the new edition of Low Power Communications, which was released to the printer this week.

Dan Wolfgang and Shelly Bloom worked with a representative from Pitman Corporation to install a new graphics printer in the Production department.  Thanks to their efforts, the department will be able to produce higher-resolution proofs that will more accurately reflect the actual result expected at the printer.

Dave Hassler dove into a pile of statistics and charts this week as he researched an upcoming QST article about the recent QST Reader Survey.  He also prepared several features for the ARRL Web site, and interviewed fellow AMers WB6ACU and K9EID for a Web news story during their visit to ARRL HQ Friday.

Bob Schetgen is editing material for the May/June issue of QEX.

Joel Hallas is reviewing page proofs of the May QST Product Review column and New Products.  Lab and operational testing for the June Product Review column is well underway.  The May/June issue of NCJ is starting to come together with most articles in hand and some being typeset.

Stu Cohen has turned in all May QST technical material for typesetting and composition.

Rick Lindquist reports that 67,413 members received The ARRL Letter, Vol 23, No 10 (Mar 5)--that's very close to a record number.  Rick prepared stories on ARISS school group contacts in Michigan and Ohio (he covered the Mar 1 contact live via teleconference), "In Brief" (16 items), ARRL’s reaction to a Wall Street Journal article on BPL, a solar-heated balloon carrying APRS, recognition for PA hams who helped equip a mobile command post for their EOC, an FCC-NTIA spectrum planning meeting, SKs--Alvino Rey, W6UK, and Cliff Fay, K7BQ, and a few Web news briefs.  Rick voiced edited and produced ARRL Audio News with voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy.

Sales & Marketing

The QST Sworn Circulation Statement for the period July through December 2003 has been completed.  The statement is used to notify advertisers of QST’s circulation statistics.  The average distribution for the period is 142,038.

Cathy Stepina and Mark Dzamba report we are seeing the early returns for the February membership mailing.  In addition to his order entry fulfillment duties, Danny Sayad recently cross-trained to process membership renewal notices.  This has already proven worthwhile as volume dictates.

A large number of new titles and new editions are being introduced over the next two months.  Among these releases are a new APRS title, ARRL's Vintage Radio, the second edition of ARRL's Low Power Communication, the third edition of ARRL's HF Digital Handbook, The ARRL Repeater Directory, General Class License Manual, and General Class Q & A, and a VoIP themed book.  Press releases are being written, cover designs are being finalized, and pricing models are being considered. Information is being shared with publication dealers as the books are readied.  Display advertising is being prepared.  In addition, each new title or edition will be added to the ARRLWeb e-store.

2004 ARRL Field Day merchandise is available for ordering.  We will take stock of T-shirts and pins before the end of the month.  More information is available at

Some recent exchanges with RSGB have produced three publication orders this week, exceeding $8,000.  The items will support their upcoming sales promotion of ARRL products.

The makeup of the ARRL Library Book Set has been updated to include the latest editions of our most popular publications.  More information is available at,

Membership Services

Awards Branch

WAS QSL Cards Checked   500    
WAS Certs. (1100 QSLs F/C)      22     
WAS Certs. (550 QSLs ES/C)      11     
WAC QSLs        7      
WAC Certs. (Replacements)       1      
A-1 Op. Noms.   26     
LTMA Inquiries  21     
VUCC Backfill Apps.     3      
Grids   319    
VUCC End. Apps. 9      
Grids   721    
Awards Mailed   31     

Also, worked with JPC for a smooth transition of the Code Proficiency Program to W1AW.  Processing Status: Current or up to four weeks.  For the coming week—long term member awards, Extra Class certificates, OTC, RCC, and VUCC awards, and mail out all awards processed this week.

DXCC Branch

For the week of:

March 7, 2004          
Beginning Cards 80,294 
Cards Received  5,951  
Cards Processed 13,165 
Ending Cards    73,080 

Applications Pending    569    
Processing Time 7 Weeks

Year-to-date (2004)

Cards Received  70,942 
Cards Returned  120,347

DXCC is currently mailing applications received on January 19, 2004.  DXCC is currently entering cards received on February 2, 2004.

Contest Branch

Certificates for the June 2003 VHF QSO Party were printed and will be mailed within the next week.  An exceptional draft article was received from KH6ND for the 2003 November CW Sweepstakes results and is being prepared for production and the web.  Work was done on general contest plaque promotion.  Data entry for the 2004 January VHF QSO party continued.  Preparations for assisting with the WB6ACU / K9EID visit to HQ was done.  We also continued reviewing incoming comments to the VHF Contest proposals.

QSL Bureau

QSL Service Status: There is a delay of 2 weeks.  This week 118 pounds of cards were received from members.  Approximately 200 pounds of cards are waiting to be processed.  Cards mailed as of 03/07/04:  217,875.  Cards mailed on 03/05/04:  70,175.


It was an exciting weekend at W1AW, with the hosting of classic rocker Joe Walsh, WB6ACU and Bob Heil, K9EID, of Heil Sound.  They, along with a number of ARRL staffers, operated W1AW in the ARRL International DX SSB Contest.  In addition to a number of DX contacts, quite a few US hams were worked as well.  Most of them contacted W1AW simply because it’s the station.  However, a few did ask if Joe Walsh was available, or even at the mic!

An initial contest tally has W1AW with a claimed score of 1,022,193.  There were 1487 Qs made, with 289 DX countries, on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.  In addition to the regular contest activity, Joe Walsh, Bob Heil and a few other staffers were QRV on 17 and 6 meters, making casual QSOs.

Bob Heil donated a number of items to W1AW, including “The Classic” studio microphone and “The Heritage” classic vocal microphone.  Bob promises a few additional items will be forthcoming to the station.

The new Icom IC-7800 was used during the ARRL DX SSB contest.  During Saturday evening, Joe and Bob were QRV on 75-meters AM with the ‘7800, running barefoot.  Just under 50 stations were worked using AM.

A special thanks to the following for their operating (or visiting) during this event: 

AA1GW, K1MMH, K1ZZ, K3UFG, K4DLJ, K7BV, K9EID, KA1RWY, KA1ZD, N1BKE, N1KB, N1ND, N7NG, NJ1Q, NN1N, W1UK, W5ZN, WA8SME, WB6ACU, WB9RRU, including some spouses and friends!

Joe updated the web code practice files.  He began processing certificates for the 2003 FMT.  Joe also met with Eileen Sapko to discuss the transition of Qualifying Run Award processing duties over to W1AW.

Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the month of March.  He also handled some evening phone sales calls in the 5 PM to 8 PM time slot.

Field & Educational Services

Good luck to Mary Lau who leaves us, and begins a venture with her own company; we thank her for her 18+ years at many different positions at ARRL.  Best wishes, from F&ES.

Armstrong Middle School in Michigan had a successful ARISS QSO.  Johnson Space Center's Public Affairs Office distributed a story on the James Bay Elementary School QSO.  Rosalie networked with Chris Imlay about a Swiss educational ham license for ARISS use.  She met with Mark Spencer, planning further for 3 national teacher conferences.  She met with staff on debuting the online Technician course.  She prepared a response for the P-SC on its upcoming agenda items.  She prepared a batch of club paperwork for the upcoming EC meeting.

Jean Wolfgang has now taken over full time the CCE duties previously handled by Jerry Ellis and some that were handled by Howard Robins.  We wish the best for Jerry in his future job.  To make it possible for hams to register for any of our technical courses at any time, Jean opened registration for each one using a new method.  She revised language on the Web to reflect this change.  She took part in a staff meeting about the new Technician License Class online course.  The course will begin in early April with registration to start before that time.

Gail Iannone sent 13 hamfest approval letters and 1 convention approval letter to sponsoring committees confirming the Division Director’s approval of the events as ARRL-sanctioned.  She processed 12 door prize orders, sent 13 handout packages for upcoming events, and coordinated travel for Bill Moore as HQ rep at the Alabama Section Convention, May 1-2, and for Dan Henderson as HQ rep at the South Carolina Section Convention. May 1.  She sent the Dayton Marriott Hotel Room Reservation forms to all ARRL Division Directors, Vice-Directors, Officers, staff, etc. for the Dayton Hamvention.

Linda Mullally updated 33 club records with 4 reactivations.  She registered 14 Instructors.  She checked membership rosters for 11 clubs, and handled 5 SSC renewals and 5 Club Vanity email requests.  She sent two OO supply requests, and 4 Exhibit Kits.  She completed the F&ES Monthly Inventory Report, F&ES Monthly Revenue Report, and the Monthly EAD Video Inventory Report.  We are temporarily putting the new-ham-label project on hold in order to improve methods in getting the most accurate data to clubs. 

Field Organization/Public Service Team

SMs continue to inform HQ of BPL-related developments in their sections including articles in various news sources.  Steve Ewald is helping promote via the ARRL Web, next month's Amateur Radio Forum at the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando.  ARRL co-sponsors this; SMs from the Florida sections will speak plus Dan Miller.  Steve participated in an ARES Communications Ad-Hoc Committee telecon.  Thanks to Chuck, Tom and Diane, the SM Web pages now sport new downloadable versions of the Certificate of Merit, Local Net Certificate, National Traffic System Award and Section Net Certificate.

Leona Adams reports that SM Glenn Thomas, WB6W, incumbent of Santa Clara Valley, was nominated for a new term of office beginning July 1.  We received a petition for Kevin Hunt, WA7VTD for Oregon SM who'll run against incumbent Randy Stimson, KZ7T.  SM nomination petitions for the next cycle were due at HQ on March 5.  Monthly Field Organization Appointment reports are in the process of being delivered to SMs.

Chuck Skolaut is working closely with Riley Hollingsworth on information collected about the source of "slow dashes" on 20 meters originating from Ohio.  Audio tapes of possible rule violations on 75 meters and an unlicensed operator in Florida have been forwarded to the FCC.  Reports of intruders and interference on 40 and 30 meters are coming in with appropriate documentation.

EmComm Grants

Dan Miller prepared materials for his upcoming presentation in Shoreline, WA, at the Communications Academy, a specialty convention on emergency communications.  His PowerPoint presentation has been modified and improved.  2004 is beginning to look like a banner year for hybrid classes.  So far, 8 Level I classes and 2 Level II classes have begun.  The states where these are located include OR, OH, WI, MI, IN, KS and PA.

Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program

Mark Spencer added a link to our Boy Scout Web page for excellent materials produced by the Valencia County Amateur Radio Association of New Mexico.  Project Board requests continue to be filled -- the number of schools who have received these or grants under the Education and Technology Program total 78, across 36 states.  The boards for the next kit, the TV remote decoder, are due in shortly.  Progress on kit development is on track.

Regulatory Information

John Hennessee provided information to Hawaii section leaders on the state antenna bills, Hawaii HB 2773 and 2774, which if passed, will give Hawaii amateurs relief from CC&Rs and homeowner restrictions.  He continues to receive questions on the ARRL restructuring petition.  Calls now are from amateurs and non-amateurs who have heard third or fourth hand about the ARRL petition. 



        Mark Wilson, K1RO

        Chief Operating Officer


Staff Absentee List

Dave Sumner                     3/12pm          Executive Committee Meeting

      ``                                3/16            Washington, DC

Mark Wilson                     3/24-3/29       Vacation

Wayne Mills                     3/12            Charlotte Hamfest

Fatima Lorusso                  3/19            Vacation

Chuck Skolaut                   3/8-3/12                Vacation

Mark Spencer                    3/17-3/20       ITEA conference

       ``                               3/30-4/5                NSTA conference

Rick Lindquist                  3/26            Vacation

Joe Carcia                      3/12            Vacation

       ``                               3/19            Vacation

Eileen Sapko                    3/15            Vacation

Joel Kleinman                   3/16            Vacation

Dan Miller                      3/19-3/21       Comm. Academy CCE seminar, Shoreline, WA

Jean Wolfgang                   3/22-3/23       Classes

Rosalie White                   3/24-3/26       ARISS-International meeting, Amsterdam

Steve Capodicasa                3/15            Vacation

Robert Inderbitzen              4/1-4/2         AES Superfest

Dennis Motschenbacher           4/22            Sales meeting GA

         ``                             4/23-4/24       SVHFC Technical & Banquet Speaker

Deb Jahnke                      4/15            Sales call—Baker & Taylor - NJ

Kathy Capodicasa                4/15            Sales call—Baker & Taylor - NJ